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摩崖《石门颂》是我国著名汉刻之一,他与略阳《郙阁颂》、甘肃成县《西狭颂》并称为“汉三颂”。全称《汉司隶校尉犍为杨君颂》,东汉建和二年(148年)十一月刻,全面、详细地记述了东汉顺帝时期司隶校尉杨孟文上疏请求修褒斜道及修通褒斜道的经过。《石门颂》为汉隶中奇纵恣肆一路的代表,素有“隶中草书”之称。清代张祖翼评说:“三百年来习汉碑者不知凡几,竟无人学《石门颂》者,盖其雄厚奔放之气,胆怯者不敢学也,力弱者不能学也。”临习要点:1、临习时,要对原帖进行细致入微的分析,以忠实于原作为主,体会圆笔写法,起笔逆锋,收笔回锋,中间运笔道劲沉着、肃穆敦厚,使笔画古厚含蓄而富有弹性。训练时要求笔法精到,一丝不苟,认真揣摩结构,注意各部分之间的关系。2、此碑整体充溢着雄厚奔放之气、野朴自然之趣,艺术风格以自然、奔放、朴拙、雄强、清新为主,极具骨力。主笔雁尾具有掠雁之势,如捺画、走之儿的 Cliff “Ode to Shihmen” is one of the famous Chinese carving, he and Lueyang “Ode to Court,” Gansu Chengxian “West Ode to Song” and known as the “Han Sansong ”. The full name of “Han Si Li Wei Wei Yang as Song”, the Eastern Han Dynasty and two years (148 years) November moment, a full and detailed account of the Eastern Han Dynasty Emperor Si Li Yang Mengwen Shu Li Shu ask for praise praise chute And repair pass praised after the ramp. “Shihmen Ode” Hanzhong odd in the vertical and arbitrary representations, known as “in the book,” said. In the Qing dynasty, Zhang Zuyi commented: “Three hundred years Han Xi Bei who I do not know where, actually no one to learn” Shihmen Ode ", cover its strong and unrestrained, timid who dare not learn, the weak can not learn also. Pro points: 1, during the internship, to the original quote nuanced analysis, in order to be faithful to the original as the main experience of pen writing, from the pen against the front, close the pen, , So that the ancient and subtle strokes elastic. Training requires meticulous meticulous, meticulous, carefully try to figure out the structure, pay attention to the relationship between the various parts. 2, the monument as a whole filled with a strong and unrestrained atmosphere, wild and natural interest, artistic style to natural, unrestrained, simple, magnificent, fresh-oriented, very strong. The main geese goose has the trend of sweeping wild goose, such as drawing, walking away