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Q我经常看到一些湖面反射非常清晰、效果唯美的风光照片,平时我很难见到那样平静的水面,请问该怎样拍摄才能拍出有这种效果的照片呢?Phil Hutchinson Geoff的回答:很多摄影师喜欢拍摄非常清晰的镜面效果,比如说拍摄时湖泊和池塘最好能够把风景营造成完全对称的效果。或者利用反光的平面,在建筑物的玻璃上映出倒影。对于拍摄风光摄影作品来讲,就是找准位置,以及利用增强画面的反射,提升照片的趣味性。拍摄的时候要注意,光线太过于强烈的话,画面很容易出现眩光,这会严重影响画面质量,所以尽量避免在太阳直射的情况下进行拍照,尽量选择太阳位置较低的 Q I often see some of the lake reflection is very clear, the effect of beautiful scenery photos, usually I rarely see that calm water, how can I shoot to shoot this effect photos? Phil Hutchinson Geoff’s answer: a lot Photographers like to shoot very clear mirror effects, such as shooting lakes and ponds are best able to make the landscape camp completely symmetrical results. Or use the reflective surface to reflect the glass of the building. For shooting scenery photography is concerned, is to find out the location, as well as the use of enhanced reflection of the screen to enhance the fun of photos. When shooting should pay attention to the light is too strong words, the screen is very prone to glare, which will seriously affect the quality of the picture, so try to avoid taking pictures in the direct sunlight, try to choose the sun is lower
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Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the male breast is rare. Even more rare is the finding of DCIS in association with gynecomastia. After an extensive literat u
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冬未春初是苦荬菜白粉病发生为害的高峰期,在叶片上布满白色粉状物后,叶片干枯,生长点萎缩,不长新根,不发新叶,植株越长越小,并逐渐枯萎死亡,必须每7~10天叶 Winter is not t