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俄罗斯国有资产部部长加济祖林近日指出,俄罗斯将在今年大力加强对国有资产的重组和管理。 加济祖林透露,目前,在俄罗斯共有联邦独资企业1.37万个,国家无力对其实施有效的管理。政府拟在今后只保留1000至1500个关系国计民生的国有企业,制定经营细则,定编定工资,从严管理。对其余企业将实施股份制改革,现已计划实施改组的企业 Gazi Zulin, minister in charge of state-owned assets, recently pointed out that Russia will vigorously step up the restructuring and management of state-owned assets this year. Gazi Zuolin said that at present, there are 13,700 federal-owned enterprises in Russia and the state can not afford to effectively manage it. In the future, the government plans to retain only about 1,000 to 1,500 state-owned enterprises related to the national economy and the people’s livelihood, formulate business rules and regulations, set wages and strictly manage them. The remaining enterprises will implement joint-stock reform, is now planning to implement the restructuring of enterprises
如今已过不惑之年的岳光银,是60年代的老兵。刚退伍那会儿,当上了官庄镇官庄村的民兵连长,没想这一当就是20多年。按老岳的话说:“人到中年,才懂得什么叫‘出息’。” 1993
硼烷分子化学键的性质,历来被实验与理论化学家所重视。目前较流行的是Longuet-Higgins提出的桥式三中心双电子键,后又为Lipscomb发展成styx硼烷结构分析法。 The nature o
Objective To analyze the impact of depletion of the twin arginine translocation (TAT) system on virulence and physiology of Yersinia enterocolitica for a better
In order to provide the experimental basis for the further studies on the oncogenic mechanism of the E6 protein from human papillomavirus type 16(HPV16),the euk
樟树市农机局以实际行动开展向新时代的人民公仆——吴成生同志学习的活动,机关干职工纷纷走出办公室,下基层、进农家,为民办实事。争做人民 Zhangshu City Agricultural B
北约向南联盟投下数以万计的炸弹,南斯拉夫在燃烧!战火是破坏力最烈之“火”。 NATO has dropped tens of thousands of bombs against Yugoslavia and Yugoslavia is burni
早就听说,天津市有一名叫杨美琪的女台商,很善于经营,我希望结识她,苦于抽不出时间。8月的第一个星期六,机会终于来到了。 It has long been heard that there is a female