Deflection of transient thermoelastic circular plate by Marchi-Zgrablich and Laplace integral transf

来源 :Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stillzhl
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This paper deals with the determination of temperature distribution and thermal deflection function of a thin circular plate with the stated conditions.The transient heat conduction equation is solved by using Marchi-Zgrablich transform and Laplace transform simultaneously and the results of temperature distribution and thermal deflection function are obtained in terms of infinite series of Bessel function and it is solved for special case by using Mathcad 2007 software and represented graphically by using Microsoft excel 2007. This paper deals with the determination of temperature distribution and thermal deflection function of a thin circular plate with the stated conditions. The transient heat conduction equation is solved by using Marchi-Zgrablich transform and Laplace transform simultaneously and the results of temperature distribution and thermal deflection function are obtained in terms of infinite series of Bessel function and it is solved for special case by using Mathcad 2007 software and represented graphically by using Microsoft excel 2007.
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杨无过,本名王萌迪,80后。亦名苏萌、单之芮、解双城等。曾客居成都,现寓居西安,与友人组建现代诗民刊《出路》。其后致力于文言诗词创作,以现代思维、西学肌理入传统文言诗词,出入于东西方之间。获2010年“建安文言诗歌奖”年度诗人。曾任文言诗词刊物《己丑》编委、光明顶古诗论坛版主。2015年结集《无过文言诗自选·卅十前集》。  五言古诗七首  圣西罗二首  诸灵皆束手,静礼于周末。  或曰梅阿查,或曰
酝酿起草26年的精神卫生法草案自6月10日面向社会公开征求意见以来。引起强烈关注。被诟病多年的精神病院收治乱象能否得到根治?精神病患者的合法权利能否得到保障?人们充满期待。    26年立法空白,“被精神病”乱象亟待规制    6月10日,对中国法律界而言是个不平凡的日子。酝酿起草26年的精神卫生法草案终于出台,面向全社会公开征求意见。  据中国疾病预防控制中心2009年统计数据显示,我国有各类精