Analysis of Incomplete Data of Accelerated Life Testing with Competing Failure Modes

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyskyxun
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Data obtained from accelerated life testing (ALT) when there are two or more failure modes, which is commonly referred to as competing failure modes, are often incomplete. The incompleteness is mainly due to censoring, as well as masking which might be the case that the failure time is observed, but its corresponding failure mode is not identified. Because the identification of the failure mode may be expensive, or very difficult to investigate due to lack of appropriate diagnostics. A method is proposed for analyzing incomplete data of constant stress ALT with competing failure modes. It is assumed that failure modes have s-independent latent lifetimes and the log lifetime of each failure mode can be written as a linear function of stress. The parameters of the model are estimated by using the expectation maximum (EM) algorithm with incomplete data. Simulation studies are performed to check model validity and investigate the properties of estimates. For further validation, the method is also illustrated by an example, which shows the process of analyze incomplete data from ALT of some insulation system. Because of considering the incompleteness of data in modeling and making use of the EM algorithm in estimating, the method becomes more flexible in ALT analysis. Data obtained from accelerated life testing (ALT) when there are two or more failure modes, which is commonly referred to as competing failure modes, are often incomplete. the failure time is observed, but its corresponding failure mode is not identified. Because the identification of the failure mode may be expensive, or very difficult to investigate due due to lack of appropriate diagnostics. A method is proposed for analyzing incomplete data of constant stress ALT with competing failure modes. It parameters assume the failure modes have s-independent latent lifetimes and the log lifetime of each failure mode can be written as a linear function of stress. The parameters of the model are estimated by using the expectation maximum (EM) algorithm with incomplete data. Simulation studies are performed to check model validity and investigate the properties of estimates is also illustrated by analyzing the incompleteness of data in modeling and making use of the EM algorithm in estimating, the method becomes more flexible in ALT analysis.
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《党史文汇》编辑部:  我是贵刊的一名读者,读了2007年第11期《临汾、晋中、太原三大战役解放军干部英名录》一文,感慨万千。时间已经过去将近60年了,当年的小青年,如今健在者也都近耄耋之年,能够联系到的人为数较少,我把仅能联系到的王录全、石有礼、乔启光、梁山管等同志的回忆情况整理、补充如下,现寄去。错误难免,并希望了解情况的同志纠正、充实。    孙成汤     附:  一八五师  副旅长胡立声