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瓷器中所提到的五彩,是瓷器彩绘中的术语。所谓五彩,并非五种颜色,而是多种颜色的意思,但是它必须有红彩存在才能称之。其烧造过程就是在已经烧成的瓷器上,用黄、红、绿、蓝、紫等多种彩料,按图案花纹饰于釉上,再在炉火中经二次焙烧而成,属于釉上彩。但严格来说五彩和斗彩都应该是釉上彩和釉下彩的结合物,因为这两种彩都有釉下青花彩的存在。但是五彩又区别于斗彩,斗彩是用釉下青花先勾绘出图案的轮廓线,经过1300℃高温烘烧,然后在轮廓线内填上各种颜色,再入炉烧成,所以斗彩也称填彩、点彩。而五彩的不同之处在于图案轮廓勾绘不是用青花色,而是用紫色或红色,釉下青花作为单独的色彩使用。所以说五彩是釉上和釉下彩的结合物更为确切。 The multicolored colors mentioned in porcelain are terms used in porcelain painting. The so-called multicolored, not five colors, but the meaning of many colors, but it must have red color to be called. The firing process is in the porcelain has been fired, with yellow, red, green, blue, purple and other colors, according to the pattern decorated on the glaze, and then fired in the secondary roasting, which belongs to Glaze color. But strictly speaking, multicolored and fighting color should be the combination of glaze color and underglaze color, because these two kinds of color have the existence of underglaze blue and white color. But colorful and different from the bucket color, bucket color is glazed with blue and white outline the outline of the first hook, after 1300 ℃ high temperature baking, and then fill in the outline of the various colors, and then into the furnace firing, so fight Color also known as filling color, color point. The multicolored difference is that the outline of the pattern is not outlined with blue and white, but with purple or red, underglaze blue and white as a separate color to use. So multicolored is the combination of glaze and underglaze more accurate.