眼底厌看新世界 曲中犹见旧山河——樊增祥《琴楼梦》之晚清遗民处境

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清末民初诗人樊增祥著述等身,所作小说仅《琴楼梦》一篇。小说叙述了其挚友易顺鼎追慕名伶王克琴的一段风流韵事。通过小说的出版情况可以看出其在一段时间内非常受欢迎,直至刘半农将其贬斥为“烂污”之作,小说开始沉寂。在了解易顺鼎“捧伶”之始末以及樊增祥的目的旨在规劝后,通过《琴楼梦》三梦三哭的主题可以看出小说主要以一种滑稽幽默的方式反映清末遗老对梦想难以实现的苦闷处境,梦代表一种被压抑的欲望。在某种程度上,小说具有揭露晚清遗民精神状态及生活处境的历史文化意义。 In the late Qing dynasty and early Republican poet Fan Zengxiang’s writings and other works, his novels are only “Qinlou dream” an article. The novel narrates the romantic affair of his best friend Yi Shun Ding, who has been chasing after the famous poet Wang Keqin. It can be seen from the publication situation of the novel that it was very popular for some time until Liu Bannong dismissed it as “rotten” and the novel began to be quiet. After understanding Yi Shun-ding’s theme of “holding the hand” and Fan Zengxiang’s purpose to persuade, we can see through the theme of “Three Dreams and Three Cries of Qinloumeng” that the novel mainly reflects the legacy of the late Qing Dynasty in a funny and humorous way Dream difficult situation to achieve depression, dream represents a pent-up desire. To some extent, the novel has the historical and cultural significance of exposing the spiritual status and living conditions of the late Qing settlers.
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