
来源 :中国茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiyulaile
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近年来,有关硒素的地球化学和环境医学研究引起了广泛兴趣,这个“热点”已经在茶叶界出现。作者欲就茶叶中硒素与人体健康及其研究和开发发表探索性的意见,旨在抛砖引玉。微量元素硒长期以来被认为是一种有毒元素,直至1957年人们才明确它是动物和人类所必需的元素,其中一个重要原因是因为动物对硒的需要量甚微。30多年的研究表明,硒的缺乏可使动物产生一系列严重疾病,包括肝坏 In recent years, geochemical and environmental medical researches on selenium have aroused widespread interest. This “hot spot” has appeared in the tea industry. The author wants to comment on the selenium in tea leaves and human health as well as its research and development, aiming to start a discussion. Trace elemental selenium has long been considered a toxic element and it was not until 1957 that it became clear that it was an essential element for both animals and humans. An important reason for this is that animals require little selenium. More than 30 years of research have shown that lack of selenium can cause animals to develop a series of serious diseases, including liver damage
Aim: Tetrahydrocurcumin (THC) is an active metabolite of curcumin. It has been reported to have similar pharmacological activity to curcumin. The proteases that
竹节参(Panax japonicus C.A.Meyer)是野生于日本各地山间林荫地的五加科多年生草本植物,中国云南等省区也有其变种珠子参(Panax transitorius Hoo).竹节参的根茎可入药,在
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Aim: Deoxyschisandrin is one of the most effective composites of Schisandra chinensis, a famous Chinese medicine widely used as an antistress, anti-aging, and n