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直接空冷支架结构是火电厂的重要组成部分,结构的安全性直接关系到电厂的正常运行。传统300,600MW机组空冷支架结构采用典型的钢桁架-钢筋混凝土管柱竖向混合布置形式,结构刚度、质量沿竖向分布极不均匀。1000 MW空冷机组与300,600 MW空冷机组相比,从工艺布置到设备支撑结构都发生了质的变化,震后结构破坏造成危害更大。针对1000 MW机组空冷支架结构扭转效应明显的特点,考虑地震动扭转分量的平扭耦联地震动反应分析,研究多维地震作用下结构的动力响应。研究结果表明,平扭耦联地震作用对该类竖向混合结构的不利影响应予重视。 Direct air-cooled stent structure is an important part of the thermal power plant, the safety of the structure is directly related to the normal operation of the power plant. Traditional 300,600 MW unit air-cooled scaffolding structure using a typical steel truss - reinforced concrete column vertical mixing arrangement, structural stiffness, quality along the vertical distribution is very uneven. Compared with the 300,600 MW air-cooled units, the 1000 MW air-cooled units have undergone qualitative changes from the process arrangement to the equipment support structure, and the damage caused by the structural damage after the earthquake is more harmful. In view of the obvious torsion effect of air-cooled scaffolding structure of 1000 MW unit, the dynamic response of the structure subjected to multi-dimensional earthquake is studied considering the coupled geodynamic and torsional responses of the torsional component of ground motion. The results show that the adverse effect of the coupling action of horizontal and torsional coupling on the vertical hybrid structure should be paid attention to.
为贯彻全国考委第四次全体会议精神,进一步完善自学考试制度,使高等教育自学考试更好地适应经济建设和社会发展的需要,培养更多合格的专门人才,国家教委高教 In order to c
编前语: 去年编了一组《高考状元的家庭教育》文章,读者反映热烈,年轻的和不太年轻的家长都很有兴趣地看了。也许是热点,也许符合大众心态,于是今年又推出这篇“状元”相同人
例1如图1,从高为2H的A点平抛一物体,其水平射程为s.在A点下方高为H的B点,向同一方向平抛另一物体,其水平射程为2s.两物体轨迹 Example 1 as shown in Figure 1, from the he