培训就业齐头并进 确保社会稳定繁荣

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为了帮助下岗失业职工转变就业观念,提高职业技能,拓宽就业门路,尽快实现再就业,建阳市劳动服务公司把贯彻落实江总书记提出的“三个代表”精神与国家劳动保障部关于“三年千万”再就业培训计划的通知精神相结合(即在1998年-2000年三年内,组织1000万下岗职工参加职业指导和职业培训)当地实际情况采取了“东西南北中”的办法,开展就业前培训、职业指导、职业技能培训,即以公司为中心,东西南北四个片区的劳动服务站或企业为纽带,就近连结举办以职业技能为主的培训班,做到城乡结合,灵活多样、纵横联系、优弱互补。三年来,公司以及由公司牵头组织的培训共156期,人数达7121人,其中岗前就为前培训1003人,转业转岗培训2368人,职业技术培训1474人,职业指导2276人,职业技能鉴定473人,为下岗失业职工免费培训460人。为部队家属免费培训3人。经过三年的培训工作,近八成的下岗、失业职工都已找到了工作,缓解了就业压力,上访或越级上访职工明显减少。 In order to help laid-off workers change their concept of employment, improve their vocational skills, broaden employment channels and re-employ as soon as possible, Jianyang Labor Service Company implemented the spirit of “three represents” proposed by General Secretary Jiang and the proposal of the State Labor and Social Security Department “Three years ” re-employment training program (that is, in the three years 1998-2000, the organization of 10 million laid-off workers to participate in career guidance and vocational training) the local situation adopted "Approach to pre-employment training, vocational guidance, vocational skills training, that is, the company as the center, the four blocks of East, West, South and East labor service station or business as a link, the nearest link to hold vocational skills-based training courses do To the combination of urban and rural areas, flexible and diverse, vertical and horizontal relations, weak and complement each other. In the past three years, the company and the company led by the organization of a total of 156 training sessions, the number of 7121 people, including pre-job training for the former 1003 people, job-change training 2368 people, vocational and technical training 1474 people, vocational guidance 2276, vocational skills identification 473 people, laid-off unemployed workers free training 460 people. Train family members for free for 3 people. After three years of training, nearly 80% of laid-off and unemployed workers have already found jobs, alleviating employment pressure, and the number of petitioners who petitioned or escalated to petition decreased significantly.
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