Variation Analysis of Seed and Seedling Traits of Cross Combination Progenies in Populus

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdasheng
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Twenty-five species and hybrids in Populus were used as parents, and 26 cross combinations, including more than 5 000 seedlings, were obtained by artificial cross breeding. The length of infructescence, number of seeds per infructescence, thou-sand-seed weight, germination rate of seeds among these cross combinations were tested. The results indicated that the cross combi-national effects were significant for these traits, and demonstrated that the length of infructescence, thousand-seed weight were posi-tively affected by female parent. In addition, seedling height, diameter above ground, diameter at breast height (DBH) of 17 cross combination progenies were investigated. The analysis of mean and standard deviation of these three traits showed that seedling height, diameter above ground, DBH had extensive variation among combinations and individuals within combination. Variance analysis and estimate of heritability indicated that the three traits had wide variation and were controlled by heredity. It was feasible to select superior cross combinations and seedlings. Further more, the result of multiple comparison showed that P. deltoides ‘Lux’ × P. deltoides ‘D324’, P ussuriensis cl. ‘U4’ × P. deltoides ‘T66’, P. ussuriensis cl. ‘U4’ × P deltoides ‘T26’, P. deltoides ‘Lux’ × P.. . ussuriensis cl. ‘U3’, (P. m tos × P. bolleana) × (P alba × P. glandulosa), (P. alba × P. tomentosa) × (P. al × P. glandulosa ), and to en a . ba (P. alba × P. glandulosa ‘No. 2’) × P. tomentosa ‘Lumao 50’ were superior cross combinations with higher growth rate. Finally, 123 elite seedlings were selected for further test. Twenty-five species and hybrids in Populus were used as parents, and 26 cross combinations, including more than 5 000 seedlings, were obtained by artificial cross breeding. The length of infructescence, number of seeds per infructescence, thou-sand-seed weight, germination rate of seeds among these cross combinations were tested. The results indicated that the cross combi-national effects were significant for these traits, and demonstrated that the length of infructescence, thousand-seed weight were posi-tively affected by female parent. , seedling height, diameter above ground, diameter at breast height (DBH) of 17 cross combination progenies were investigated. The analysis of mean and standard deviation of these three traits showed that seedling height, diameter above ground, DBH had extensive variation among combinations and Variance analysis and estimate of heritability indicated that the three traits had wide variation and were controlled by heredity. It was feasible to select superior cross combinations and seedlings. Further more, the result of multiple comparison showed that P. deltoides’ Lux ’× P. deltoides’ D324’, P ussuriensis cl. ’U4’ × P. deltoides’ T66 ’, P. ussuriensis cl.’ U4 ’× P deltoides’ T26’, P. deltoides’ Lux ’× P .. ussuriensis cl.’ U3 ’, (P. m tos × P. bolleana × × P. glandulosa, P. alba × P. tomentosa × P. al × P. glandulosa, and to en a. Ba (P. alba × P. glandulosa ’No. 2 × P. tomentosa ’Lumao 50’ were superior cross combinations with higher growth rate. Finally, 123 elite seedlings were selected for further test.
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