Chemical and biological research of Clematis medicinal resources

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sms888
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Clematis is a botanical source for various pharmaceutically active components,which has long been used in conventional medicine since the beginning of Chinese civilization.Increasing interest in Clematis medicinal resources has led to additional discoveries of triterpenoid saponins,flavonoids,coumarins,alkaloids and many other compounds in various Clematis species,and to investigations on their chemotaxonomy,molecular phylogeny and pharmacology.In continuation with our studies on Clematis chemistry and biology,we review the chemistry,chemotaxonomy,molecular biology and phylogeny of Clematis and their relevance to drug efficacy and drug development.Various databases and technology have been used in literature search in order to characterize the global scientific effort.It is essential to study more species for both the sustainable utilization of Clematis medicinal resources and finding novel compounds with potential clinical utility.Systems biology and omics technologies will play an increasingly important role in future medicinal research involving bioactive compounds of Clematis. Clematis is a botanical source for various pharmaceutically active components, which has long been used in conventional medicine since the beginning of Chinese civilization .creasing interest in Clematis medicinal resources has led to additional discoveries of triterpenoid saponins, flavonoids, coumarins, alkaloids and many other compounds in various Clematis species, and to investigate on their chemotaxonomy, molecular phylogeny and pharmacology. In continuation with our studies on Clematis chemistry and biology, we review the chemistry, chemotaxonomy, molecular biology and phylogeny of Clematis and their relevance to drug efficacy and drug development .Various databases and technology have been used in literature search in order to characterize the global scientific effort. It is essential to study more species for both the sustainable utilization of Clematis medicinal resources and finding novel compounds with potential clinical utility. Systems biology and omics technologies will play an in creasingly important role in future medicinal research involving bioactive compounds of Clematis.
摘要:本文从工程造价管理的基础工作和造价控制方面着手,结合我国实际情况,提出几点思考与建议。以提高投资效益和节约建设资金为目的。但是,要实行工程造价管理改革不是轻而易举的事,需要我们共同来研究对策,摸索出更能适应建筑业发展需要的工程造价管理模式。因为加强工程管理控制工程造价是建设行业的一项复杂而又具有现实意义的工作。它对国家节约基本建设资金起着举足轻重的作用。  关键词:工程管理;工程造价;控制方
摘要:实施ERP系统对于全面提升公司物资管理水平,实现企业精细化管理,强化内部控制具有重要意义。以中国石油西南油气田公司为例,总结了ERP实施后物资管理工作在物资编码管理、采购、库存管理等方面取得的成效,分析了ERP物资管理运行中存在的问题,提出了深化ERP物资管理工作的相关对策。  关键词:ERP;物资管理;物资;编码;零库存  中图分类号:F251文献标识码:A文章编号:    引言  物流管
摘要:随着社会经济的发展,城市桥梁和公路桥梁的负荷越来越重,造成混凝土结构桥梁的不同程度的损坏;严重影响了桥梁的使用寿命及人们的安全,本文从多方面对混凝土结构桥梁的耐久性设计进行分析和研究。  关键词:混凝土结构;桥梁;耐久性设计  中图分类号:TV331文献标识码:A文章编号:    引言  混凝土桥梁结构耐久性设计就是在桥梁设计中,对桥梁建设的材料质量、结构构造、结构计算、施工工艺和结构维护等
摘要:企业生产的目的是提高经济效益,为了使产品达到优质、高产、低消耗、高效率的目的,必须实行企业的科学管理,而计量则是科学管理的基础,企业要降低成本、减少消耗、提高产品质量就要保证生产和经营中的计量测试方法准确,设备齐全才能有效准确的进行经济核算;才能控制过程产品质量和终端产品质量。计量在企业生产中起着基础性的作用。  关键词:计量管理;企业生产;地位和作用  中图分类号:F273文献标识码:A文