
来源 :建筑材料工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rockegg2009
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我厂的统计工作是由低到高、由粗到细地发展起来的。1950年通过企业普查工作,建立了统计机构,配备与训练了统计人员。随着生产的发展和计划管理的加强,1953年进一步健全了统计组织,建立了全厂的统计网,整顿了原始记录,制订了报表制度,为做好统计工作打下了良好基础。在第二个五年计划期间,经过整风运动,又进一步提高了统计人员的思想觉悟,加强了统计工作的战斗性,克服了单纯搞数字、不问政治的倾向,使统计工作更好地适应了生产建设的需要。特别是从去年贯彻中央关于改进工业企业管理的指示以来,通过总结以往的经验,使我们更加明确了统计工作为 The statistical work of our factory is developed from low to high and from coarse to fine. In 1950, through corporate census work, a statistical agency was established, and statisticians were equipped and trained. With the development of production and the strengthening of program management, the statistical organization was further improved in 1953, a statistical network of the whole plant was established, the original records were rectified, and a statement system was formulated, which laid a good foundation for doing statistical work. During the Second Five-Year Plan period, after the rectification movement, the ideological awareness of statisticians was further improved, the combativeness of statistical work was strengthened, and the tendency to simply engage in numbers and politics was overcome and the statistical work was better adapted. The need for production and construction. In particular, since implementing the Central Government’s directive on improving the management of industrial enterprises last year, through summing up past experience, we have made it clear that the statistical work is
(一) 从前,电业职工們常說:“电厂只有除灰工作簡单”。的确,从技术角度来說,在自动化程度較高的电厂里,除灰是比較簡单,不易出問題的部分。但是,近两年来事实并不如此。随
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