患者,男性、60岁,入院前2天突然四肢发麻,继之全身抽搐、昏迷,口吐白沫,大小便失禁,持续约3分钟后即停止抽搐、清醒。送我院急诊。CT平扫见右顶枕叶大片低密度区,拟急性脑栓塞住神经内科。 起病以来无发热、头痛、呕吐。有高血压史10多年,时有“牙痛”、无耳流脓史及未患过恶性肿瘤。一般检查:神清、呆滞、对答切题。血压20/13kPa、脉搏80次/分,体
Patient, male, 60 years old, suddenly extremities tingling 2 days before admission, followed by generalized convulsions, coma, foaming at the mouth and incontinence, stopping twitching and awake after about 3 minutes. Send our hospital emergency room. CT scan the right top of the occipital lobe large low-density area, acute cerebral embolism live neurology. No fever, headache, vomiting since onset. A history of hypertension more than 10 years, sometimes “toothache”, no history of ear pus and no cancer. General inspection: God clear, sluggish, answer questions. Blood pressure 20 / 13kPa, pulse 80 beats / min, body