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合肥琥珀山庄是全国22个优良住宅试点小区之一,它任务重,工期紧,质量要求高,影响面大。我公司自1991年8月进入山庄,共承建包括华侨公寓在内的11幢住宅楼,面积28000平方米。经一年多的奋战,在山庄工地上形成由全国劳模王平学带领的“全国模范班组五处瓦工班”等七个模范班组的班组群。一、模范班组群的共同特点。这七个班组素质参差不齐,有全国模范班组,有公司模范班组,有工程处先进班组,也有以前落后跃居先进行列的班组。他们有以下共同点:1.班组文化水平偏低,技术等级不高,七个班组平均技术等级只有4.8级,文化程度初中不到。2.农民合同工占班组成员的80%以上。3.琥珀山庄工程质量高、工期紧、竞争强,班组加班加点,劳动强度比一般工程要大的多。这些问题的存在给班组建设带来一定的难度和压力,如何做好班组建设,调动每个组员的责任心、积极性,保质保量完成山庄的任务,成了班组思想政治工作的首要课题,经过一年多的实践,他们成功了。到目前为止 Hefei Amber Villa is one of the 22 excellent residential pilot communities in the country. It has heavy tasks, tight schedules, high quality requirements, and large impact. Since our company entered the villa in August 1991, we have built 11 residential buildings including overseas Chinese apartments, covering an area of ​​28,000 square meters. After more than one year of hard work, a team of seven model teams, including the “National Model Team and Five Tile Workers’ Class”, led by the national model worker Wang Pingxue, was formed on the site. First, the common features of the model team group. The quality of these seven teams is uneven, with national model teams, corporate model teams, advanced engineering teams at the Engineering Department, and teams that have previously fallen behind. They have the following common points: 1. The team’s cultural level is low, and the technical level is not high. The average technical level of the seven teams is only 4.8, and the educational level is less than junior high school. 2. Farmer contract workers account for more than 80% of the team members. 3. The amber villa project has high quality, tight schedule, and strong competition. The team has worked overtime and the labor intensity is much larger than that of the general project. The existence of these problems has brought certain difficulties and pressures to the construction of the team. How to do a good job of team building, mobilize the responsibility and enthusiasm of each team member, complete the task of quality and quantity, and become the primary subject of the ideological and political work of the team, After more than a year of practice, they succeeded. so far
“法律的变化与其他社会控制成反比”。〔1〕而社会的变迁带来传统社会控制体系的松动,这既引发更多的纠纷,也使人们更多地寻求司法解决纠纷。因此,社会变迁往往 “Changes
I INTRODUCTION Several two-step approaches have been recommended to find optimallong term operation of reservoirs for planning purposes (Hall and Dracup,1970).
<正> 1993年是贯彻党的十四大精神,进一步深化改革,扩大开放,加快向社会主义市场经济体制转变的一年。根据全国经济工作会议和天津市委五届十二次全会精神,1993年天津工业的
近年来我国有关部门引进不少先进的级进冲模及其工艺制造技术。目前,正面临着消化、吸收,国产化。为此,中国模协技术委员会决定在上海举办“级进冲模设计、制 In recent ye