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【本刊讯】日前,澳洲一家奶牛养殖公司向北京华北轻合金有限公司新下达几十万件的“镁胶囊”产品大单,要求年底前供货。此前,该公司已为澳供货达数百万件。作为我国国家级镁及镁合金基地的北京华北轻合金有限公司2015年应澳洲一家奶牛养殖公司要求,研制开发出“用于反刍动物体内的压铸镁合金产品制备方法”生产的镁合金棒材新产品,这种产品人们习惯称“镁胶囊”或“喂牛件”。经该国国家农药和兽药管理局委派专家到广灵精华集 Recently, a dairy farming company in Australia issued a new large order of hundreds of thousands of “magnesium capsules” products to Beijing North China Light Alloy Co., Ltd., requiring the supply before the end of the year. Previously, the company had supplied millions to Australia. As a national magnesium and magnesium alloy base in Beijing North China Light Alloy Co., Ltd. in Australia in response to a dairy farming company in Australia in the request of research and development to develop “for ruminant die-casting magnesium alloy products,” the production of magnesium alloy rods Material new products, people used to call this product “magnesium capsule” or “feed the cow”. After the country’s national pesticide and veterinary authority to send experts to Guangling essence set
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8月4日,由上海海斯特叉车制造有限公司主办,由海斯特当地经销商—沈阳汇斯通机械设备有限公司协办的2017年海斯特北方区及中区经销商半年度会议在沈阳召 On August 4, the s
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8月8日,四川阿坝州九寨沟县发生7.0级地震,震源深度20千米。8月10日,武警水电第三总队九支队携带 On August 8, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Jiuzhaigou County, Aba Pr