再接再励 携手共进 “三为”服务 再立新功——河南省农电工作会议在济源市召开

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河南省农电工作会议于1995年4月1日至3日在济源市召开。参加会议的河南省各地(市)电业局局长、农电科科长及各县(市)电业局局长计146人。电力部、华中电管局及河南省办公厅、计委、文职办、经贸委、扶贫办、纠风办及焦作市政府等部门的领导参加了会议。会议由省电力局总工杨永康主持,焦作市市长、济源市市长到会祝贺。 会议代表认真听取了电力部副部长汪恕诚在全国电力局(处)长工作会议上的讲话;听取了省电力局副局长吴铁铮作的“加强管理、深化改革,加快农村电气化发展步伐”的报告,根据会议内容,与会代表进行了认真地讨论。 吴铁铮副局长在总结九四年全省农电工作时指出:1994年,我省农电工作紧紧围绕深化农电企业改革、扶贫上电,加快农村电气化建设和深入开展电力“三为”服务等方面开展工作,取得了显著成绩。 千方百计保证农业和农村用电,低压电价治理成效显著。农业生产季节性用电基本得到保证,低压电价按行政村计算,全省合格率为85.5%。 Henan Provincial Agricultural Power Work Conference was held in Jiyuan City from April 1 to April 3, 1995. The heads of the Electric Power Bureau of the provinces (municipalities), the chiefs of the Agricultural Power Section and the heads of the counties (cities) of the Electric Power Bureau of Henan Province attended the meeting and counted 146 people. The leaders of the Ministry of Electric Power, Huazhong Electric Power Bureau, and the General Office of Henan Province, the Planning Commission, the Civil Affairs Office, the Economic and Trade Commission, the Office for Poverty Alleviation, the Correction Office and the Jiaozuo City Government attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Yang Yongkang, Chief Engineer of the Provincial Power Bureau. The mayor of Jiaozuo City and the mayor of Jiyuan City attended the meeting. The conference representative listened carefully to the speech made by Wang Shucheng, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Electric Power, at the working meeting of the National Electric Power Bureau (department); he heard a report made by Wu Tiefu, Deputy Director of the Provincial Electric Power Bureau, “Strengthening Management, Deepening Reform, and Accelerating Rural Electrification Development”. According to the content of the meeting, the participants held serious discussions. When deciding on the province’s agricultural power work in 1994, Deputy Commissioner Wu Tiejun pointed out that in 1994, the rural power work in our province closely focused on deepening the reform of rural power enterprises, helping the poor to power up, accelerating the rural electrification and in-depth development of power “three services” Work has been done in other areas and has achieved remarkable results. Doing everything possible to ensure agricultural and rural electricity use, low-voltage electricity prices have achieved remarkable results. Seasonal electricity use in agricultural production is basically guaranteed. Low-voltage electricity prices are calculated in administrative villages, and the province’s pass rate is 85.5%.
“两岸首届照明业研讨会”在京举行 1994年12月20至22日,由中国照明学会和台湾区照明灯具输出业同业公会共同举办的“海峡两岸首届照明科技与营销研讨会”在北京举行。来自