Improving reservoir volumetric estimations in petroleum resource assessment using discovery process

来源 :石油科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangbaosen321
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The reservoir volumetric approach represents a widely accepted, but flawed method of petroleum play resource calculation.In this paper, we propose a combination of techniques that can improve the applicability and quality of the resource estimation.These techniques include: 1) the use of the Multivariate Discovery Process model (MDP) to derive unbiased distribution parameters of reservoir volumetric variables and to reveal correlations among the variables; 2) the use of the Geo-anchored method to estimate simultaneously the number of oil and gas pools in the same play; and 3) the cross-validation of assessment results from different methods.These techniques are illustrated by using an example of crude oil and natural gas resource assessment of the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Archipelago.The example shows that when direct volumetric measurements of the untested prospects are not available, the MDP model can help derive unbiased estimates of the distribution parameters by using information from the discovered oil and gas accumulations.It also shows that an estimation of the number of oil and gas accumulations and associated size ranges from a discovery process model can provide an altative and efficient approach when inadequate geological data hinder the estimation.Cross-examination of assessment results derived using different methods allows one to focus on and analyze the causes for the major differences, thus providing a more reliable assessment outcome.
In this paper we discuss the edge-preserving regularization method in the reconstruction of physical parameters from geophysical data such as seismic and ground
我科1985年遇到1例经心肌心内膜活体组织检查,病理证实为酒精中毒性心肌病。患者男,31岁,1985年11月11日急诊入院。临床诊断:风湿性心脏病二尖瓣关闭不全,心房颤 In 1985,