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怎样的建筑才够格被定义为城市的地标?站在渝中半岛眺望南岸,江岸山脊间盈立的双塔——浪高凯悦和浪高会展国际,以其踏地撑天的气势为我们作出了回答:这就是一处城市的地标! 曾经有人说,已经建成的浪高凯悦和正在节节拔高的浪高会展国际,两相呼应,形成了南坪最核心地带的标志性建筑形态。如今, 随着会展经济的引擎被点燃,再这样说就显得很是局限了。如果说已然落成的重庆国际会展中心将成为重庆驱动会展经济的核心平台,那么拱卫其侧的耀眼双子星座——浪高凯悦和浪高会展国际广场--不恰是标注全新会展经济时代到来的两个感叹号么!从这个视角去审视,浪高双塔当仁不让成为了重庆城市的地标之一。 What kind of buildings are qualified to be defined as the landmarks of the city? Standing on the southern shore of the Yuzhong Peninsula, the twin towers between the banks of the riverbank - the Grand Hyatt of Langgao and the Langgao Exhibition International, are answering us with their imposing manner. : This is a landmark of a city! It was once said that the already-built Hyatt Regency of Langkao and the Langgao International Exhibition, which is being raised all the time, echoed each other and formed the landmark architectural form in the core area of ​​Nanping. Today, as the engine of the exhibition economy is ignited, it is very limited to say so again. If the Chongqing International Convention and Exhibition Center that has already been completed will become the core platform for the Chongqing-driven convention and exhibition economy, then the dazzling Gemini Constellation on its side - the Langgao Hyatt and the Langgao International Convention and Exhibition Plaza - is not just the arrival of the new exhibition economy era. Exclamation point from this perspective to examine, Langgao Twin Towers did not make it become one of the landmarks of Chongqing city.
当前大学生就业形势严峻,应广大学生朋友的强烈要求,新增大学生创业栏目,本栏目以关注大学生创业为宗旨,指导大学生创业为己任。希望广大学生朋友共同参与!  联系方式:029-8237225882081099   QQ:67309287邮箱:sexhu.2008@163.com  来信地址:710100 陕西省西安市199号信箱《大众商务》编辑部长安(收)    有志创业却不急于“开张”,毕业后先就业,
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