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蜿蜒流淌的蟾津江,挺拔的松树,江边的两棵白杨……初次看到基地时,我连声叫好。挺立在基地旁的古老柿子树,使我想起经历寒霜却挺立着的红葡萄。应该好好地整理一下倾斜度很大的田地……想到要把悬崖上已守望了数百年的老松树迁移到花圃内,心里不由产生一丝不安。这是手里拿着修枝剪刀,但阅历尚浅的园艺师所感到的 Meandering flowing Tsun Jin River, tall and straight pine trees, two white poplars on the waterfront ... When I saw the base for the first time, I was applauded. The ancient persimmon tree standing next to the base reminds me of the red grapes that stand in the cold frost. It should be a good tidy slope fields ... ... think of the cliff to keep watch for hundreds of years old pine tree moved to the flower garden, my heart could not help but feel uneasy. It was felt by the gardener who had pruning shears in his hands, but who were still inexperienced
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With radical socio-economic development and strengthening of regulation of agricultural industrial structure in Hainan Province,fresh water resource becomes inc
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