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据统计,冬季发生的火灾起数占全年火灾起数的40%,其中居民火灾居多。电气因素、遗留火种和用火不慎仍是引发火灾的三大主要原因,也是引发亡人火灾的主要原因。目前正值各类火灾高发期,如何有效地避免遭受火灾侵袭,保护人民群众的生命财产安全,也成为当前火灾预防工作的重中之重。冬季火灾猛于虎回顾历年,冬季发生的火灾事故令人痛心不已。2005年12月25日,广东中山市坦洲镇文康路的檀岛西餐厅发生火灾,火灾中共有26人死亡。发生火灾时,现场正举办圣诞节抽奖活动,参加人 According to statistics, the number of fires that occurred in winter accounted for 40% of the total number of fires in the whole year, among which residents were mostly fires. Electrical factors, the legacy of fire and misuse of fire are still the three main causes of fire and the main cause of dead fire. At present, when all kinds of fires are at a high incidence, how to effectively prevent the fire from being hit and protect the safety of people’s lives and properties has also become the most important task in the current fire prevention work. Winter fire fierce tiger Review of the calendar year, the fire accident occurred in winter is very sad. On December 25, 2005, a fire broke out in the dining room of the island of Wandang in Wenkang Road, Tanzhou Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, killing a total of 26 people. In the event of a fire, the scene is holding a Christmas raffle, participants
闲读报刊杂志,见一篇题为《多喝墨水增内存》的文章。其中有这样四句话:①古人讲的是“学而优则仕”,他们所信奉的是“卷卷诗书页页帆, Read newspapers and magazines, re
奥运绝唱 1912年7月中旬,第5届夏季奥运会在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩举行,田径竞赛已达到白热化程度。虽然波罗的海的清风徐徐吹进可以容纳3万多名观众的运动场,可场内如潮的喧闹
每一种动物都有它们自己的模样和生活习性。可是如果把有些动物的祖先与之相比,它们的差别简直令人难以置信。 Each animal has its own appearance and habits. However,
[能力训练] 五庄周家贫,故往贷粟于监河侯。监河侯曰:“诺。我将得邑金,将贷子三百金可乎?”庄周忿然作色曰:“周昨来,有中道而呼者。周顾视车辙中有鲋鱼焉。周问之曰:‘鲋
粼瓣卜、选濑 1.三条直线AB、CD、E,,’相交于一点D,则共有对顶角( ). A.3对 B.4又_‘ C.5刘‘D.6对 2.图1中,4E∥CD//FB.二l=75。,[2=40。,那么[3等于( ). A.25。 B.35。 C.
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