A thermodynamic assessment of Ce-Al system

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanfengim
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The optimized descriptions of the phase diagram and thermodynamic properties for Ce-Al system have been obtained from experimental thermodynamic and phase diagram data by means of the computer program THERMO-CALC based on the least squares method, using models for the Gibbs energy of individual phases. The system contains five intermetallic compounds. The calculated standard enthalpies of Ce_3Al, CeAl, CeAl_2, CeAl_3 and Ce_3Al_ 11 are -26.7, -48.9, -48.4, -44.0 and -41.7 kJ/mol, respectively. A consistent set of thermodynamic parameters was derived. The optimized and experimental data are in good agreement. The optimized descriptions of the phase diagram and thermodynamic properties for Ce-Al system have been obtained from experimental thermodynamic and phase diagram data by means of the computer program THERMO-CALC based on the least squares method, using models for the Gibbs energy of individual phases The calculated standard enthalpies of Ce_3Al, CeAl, CeAl_2, CeAl_3 and Ce_3Al_11 are -26.7, -48.9, -48.4, -44.0 and -41.7 kJ / mol, respectively. A consistent set of thermodynamic parameters was derived. The optimized and experimental data are in good agreement.
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