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各位代表,同志们: 今天,由中国人权研究会和中国法学会举办的“人权入宪与人权法制保障”理论研讨会在北京召开了。我对研讨会的召开表示热烈的祝贺! 改革开放以来,我国人权事业取得了巨大成就。特别是今年首次将“国家尊重和保障人权”正式载入国家的根本大法,这是在新时期,发展的新阶段的重要法制建设内容之一,是党的主张,也是人民的意愿,经过全国人民代表大会全体会议的充分讨论,使尊重和保障人权上升为宪法原则,确认为国家的理念和价值,确立了人权原则在中国法律体系和国家发展战略中的突出地位,为中国人权事业的全面 Dear Delegates, Comrades: Today, the “Symposium on Guaranteeing the Constitutional Human Rights and Protecting Human Rights by Law” organized by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Chinese Law Society was held in Beijing. I warmly congratulate the convening of the seminar. Since the reform and opening up, the cause of human rights in our country has made tremendous achievements. In particular, it is the first time this year that “the state respects and safeguards human rights” is formally incorporated into the fundamental law of the country. This is one of the important legal system constructions in the new period and the new stage of development. It is the party’s assertion and the will of the people, After full discussion in the plenary session of the National People’s Congress, the principle of respecting and safeguarding human rights has been elevated to the principle of the Constitution. It has been confirmed as the concept and value of the country, established the prominent position of human rights principles in the Chinese legal system and national development strategy, Comprehensive
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