破衔接之局 ——初升高教育教学衔接的研究与探索

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学生从初中升入高中,面临着新的同学、新的老师、新的生活学习环境、快节奏的课堂,面对思维性更强的学科,特别是数理化三科。怎样让升入高一的新生顺利地融入高中生活,适应高中生活,并能最快地融入新学校的文化,特别是融入新学校的学习文化,这必须引起我们的高度关注并探索有效的方法。这就要求我们在教育教学实践中,遵循初高中教育教学规律,研究初高中衔接中教学和管理方面的关键问题以及关注学生心理变化及学习的特点,不断探索,从质、量、度等不同方面对教师的教和学生的学准确定位,逐渐解决初高中教育教学衔接问题。 Students from junior high school to high school, facing new students, new teachers, new life and learning environment, fast-paced classroom, facing the more disciplined disciplines, especially mathematics and chemistry. How to make freshmen who have progressed into high school successfully integrate into high school life, adapt to high school life, and be able to integrate into the culture of the new school as quickly as possible, especially into the learning culture of the new school. This must arouse our high attention and explore effective methods. . This requires that in the practice of education and teaching, we follow the laws of the teaching of the junior high school education, study the key issues in the teaching and management of the middle and high school convergence, and pay attention to the students’ psychological changes and the characteristics of learning, and continue to explore, in terms of quality, quantity, degree, etc. On the aspect of teacher’s teaching and student’s accurate positioning, gradually solve the problem of the convergence of teaching and learning in the junior high school.
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你从我身边走过也就罢了你不看我一眼也就罢了何必把一捆湿柴扔在我心灵的灶边难道我能把它点燃 You walked by me, you just do not look at me, why would you throw a bu