
来源 :西北地质科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanyunbw2
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北祁连山是我国及世界上最重要的块状硫化物矿床成矿省之一。折腰山矿床是白银矿田内的大型Cu-Zn矿床。目前,整个白银矿田遇到了铜矿产供需矛盾突出、资源濒临枯竭的困境。本课题正是在这一严峻形势下开展了为期两年的科技找矿研究。两年来,由于课题承担者在课题实施过程中贯彻了正确的成矿与找矿学术思想,明确了找矿研究的主攻方向,狠抓了主攻方向中的研究主攻点和主攻关键,从而取得了诸多找矿和地质成果,现择其要者列述于后。1.在矿床深部1535m水平中段下沿主巷道北侧975线发现一富Cu工业矿体。该工业矿体之发现是继80年代中期深部铜矿地测科李玉忠高工等发现41号等工业矿体以来又一新的找矿成果。鉴于该工业矿体并非像41号等矿体位于已知工业矿体群中或附近,而是处于以往找矿空白地段,故其具有进一步找矿的重要指示意义。2.进一步肯定了北风井1535~1475m水平中段间小型矿体群地段寻找工业矿体的价值。包括深部铜矿地测科所施工百米水平钻验证工程在内的研究表明,该地段是一个宽在45m、控制长愈百米、由5个1~5m厚矿体组成的小型矿体群.成矿蚀变岩特征、矿石结构构造、成分分析,以及矿体类型研究显示,该地段具有扩大找矿的潜在前景。3.在成矿构造系统分析、成矿蚀变岩筒特征研究,以 North Qilian Mountains is one of the most important massive sulphide mineralization provinces in China and in the world. The Yaozishan deposit is a large Cu-Zn deposit in the silver ore field. At present, the entire silver ore field has encountered the contradiction between supply and demand of copper minerals and the resources are on the verge of depletion. This topic is precisely in this grim situation carried out a two-year science and technology prospecting research. In the past two years, as the project undertaker carried out the correct academic thought of mineralization and ore prospecting during the implementation of the project, it clarified the main direction of prospecting research, paid close attention to the main research points and the key points in the main attack direction, A lot of prospecting and geological achievements, now choose their best to be listed later. 1. A Cu-rich industrial ore body was found along the 975th line on the north side of the main roadway in the middle of the 1535m deep ore bed. The discovery of this industrial ore body is another new prospecting result since the discovery of No. 41 industrial ore body by senior engineer Li Yuzhong of Deep Copper Geological Survey in the mid-1980s. Since this industrial ore body is not located in or near the known industrial ore body such as No. 41 ore body, it is an important indicator for further prospecting because it is in the past in the area of ​​blank prospecting. 2. Further affirmed the Beifeng 1535 ~ 1475m horizontal middle section of the small ore body group to find the value of industrial ore body. Studies including the 100-meter-level horizontal drilling verification project conducted by Deep Copper Geological Survey Division show that the lot is a small ore body group with a width of 45 meters and a controlled length of 100 meters and composed of 5 1 ~ 5m thick ore bodies . Ore alteration rock features, ore structure, composition analysis, and ore body type studies have shown that this area has the potential prospect of expanding ore prospecting. 3. In the analysis of metallogenic tectonic system, the characteristics of ore-forming altered rock tube are studied
目的 观察中心静脉导管持续胸腔引流并注入顺铂,白细胞介素-2等对治疗恶性胸腔积液的疗效。方法28例患者,经皮穿刺将中心静脉管置入胸腔,引流后注入白细胞介素-2及化疗药物。
提出一种新的基于遗传算法的模拟退火罚函数方法求解地下水管理模型 .遗传算法是建立在自然遗传学和自然选择机理上的全局随机搜索和进化的过程 .与传统的基于梯度寻优方法相
本文通过对广州、青岛两地区国产载货汽车车身腐蚀损伤的调查,分析了国产载货汽车车身易发生腐蚀损伤的原因。同时,根据国情提出了提高国产载货汽车车身抗腐蚀性的对策。 Ba