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形神关系问题的探讨,是中国画创作中的一个重要问题,是关系到中国画如何发展,如何促进艺术风格上的百花齐放的重要问题。在1980年《美术》第三期上看到王肇民老先生的《画语拾零》,其中有不少精辟之论,但就形神问题而言,有些论点却颇可商榷。王肇民老先生提出:“在造型艺术上,就形而言,形不是手段,神不是目的,没有形就没有神,形似则神必似,形不似则神必不似,形神不可能有分合,不可能有兼备或不兼备,所谓神是形的运动感,是形的活的反映,形是一切,一切是形,形以外的神是不存在的。”能不能说造型艺术中的形 The discussion of the relationship between the god and god is an important issue in the creation of Chinese painting and an important issue that concerns the development of Chinese painting and how to promote the flourishing of the artistic style. In the third issue of Fine Arts in 1980, I saw a lot of brilliant ideas about the “painting” of old Mr. Wang Zhaomin. However, there are some arguments that are quite debatable on the issue of God-shaped. Mr. Wang Zhaomin put forward: "In the art of form, in terms of shape, shape is not a means, God is not the goal, there is no god without shape, God is like the shape is similar, the shape is not like God will not be similar, the form of God can not have Divided and divided, there can not be both or not, the so-called God is the shape of the sense of movement is the reflection of the shape of life, the shape is everything, everything is the shape, the god outside the shape does not exist. Shape
次仁多吉感到十分遗憾的是,此次他没能随西藏代表团参加全国劳动模范和先进工作者表彰大会。他说:“为了登山事业,我愿意付出一切。” 他正在进行紧张的准备工作,将于今年5
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