
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:steven146
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Objective: To determine if an emergency department- based asthma follow- up clinic could improve outcomes within a high- morbidity pediatric population. Design: Prospective, randomized clinical trial with 6 months of follow- up. Setting: Emergency department of an urban pediatric medical center. Participants: Convenience sample of 488 patients aged 12 months to 17 years, inclusive, with prior physician- diagnos- ed asthma and 1 or more other unscheduled visits in the previous 6 months and/or 1 or more hospitalizations in the prior 12 months. Intervention: Single follow- up clinic visit focusing on 3 domains: asthma self- monitoring and management, environmental modification and trigger control, and linkages and referrals to ongoing care. Main Outcome Measures: The primary outcome measurewas unscheduled visits for acute asthma care. Secondary outcomes included compliance with a medical plan and asthma quality of life. Analysis was by intention to treat with adjustment for baseline differences. Results: Of those randomized to the clinic visit,172 (70.5% ) of 244 attended. The intervention group had significantly fewer mean unscheduled visits for asthma care during follow- up (1.39 vs 2.34; relative risk [RR]=0.60[95% confidence interval (CI), 0.46- 0.77]). At 6 months, significantly more patients in the intervention group reported use of inhaled corticosteroids in the prior 2 days (49.3% vs 26.5% ;RR=2.03 [95% CI, 1.57- 2.62]), no limitation in daytime quality of life (43.8% vs 34.4% ; RR=1.36 [95% CI, 1.06- 1.73]), and no functional limitations in quality of life (49.8% vs 40.8% ; RR=1.33 [95% CI, 1.08- 1.63]). Conclusion: Attendance in the follow- up clinic was high. The intervention decreased subsequent unscheduled health care use while improving compliance and quality of life. Objective: To determine if an emergency department-based asthma follow-up clinic could improve outcomes within a high- morbidity pediatric population. Design: Prospective, randomized clinical trial with 6 months of follow-up. Participants: Convenience sample of 488 patients aged 12 months to 17 years, inclusive, with prior physician- diagnosed asthma and 1 or more other unscheduled visits in the previous 6 months and / or 1 or more hospitalizations in the prior 12 months Intervention: Single follow-up clinic visit focusing on 3 domains: asthma self- monitoring and management, environmental modification and trigger control, and linkages and referrals to ongoing care. Main Outcome Measures: The primary outcome measurewas unscheduled visits for acute asthma care. Secondary outcomes included compliance with a medical plan and asthma quality of life. Analysis was by intention to treat with adjustment for baseline diffe The intervention group had significant fewer unscheduled visits for asthma care during follow-up (1.39 vs 2.34; relative risk [RR] = 0.60 [ 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.46- 0.77]). At 6 months, significantly more patients in the intervention group reported use of inhaled corticosteroids in the prior 2 days (49.3% vs 26.5%; RR = 2.03 [ 1.57-2.62), no limitation in daytime quality of life (43.8% vs 34.4%; RR = 1.36 [95% CI, 1.06-1.73]) and no functional limitations in quality of life = 1.33 [95% CI, 1.08-1.63]). Conclusion: Attendance in the follow-up clinic was high. The intervention decreased subsequent unscheduled health care use while improving compliance and quality of life.
头孢特仑酯(cefteram pivoxil,CFTM-PI)由日本富山化学工业株式会社研制开发,属第三代口服头孢菌素酯化物.该药口服吸收后经肠管壁酯酶水解成为有抗菌活性的头孢特仑(CFTM),
目的:研制几丁糖庆大霉素药物释放系统(drug delivery system, DDS)并为骨感染治疗提供新的简便方法。方法:在几丁糖胶体中加入庆大霉素,经化学修饰交联、模具分割、干燥等工艺形成DDS棒。对DDS药棒进行重量、大小、含药量、机械性能测试和抑菌实验、体外释放实验研究。结果:DDS棒大小、重量及含药量差异小,浸泡无脆裂。庆大霉素具有生物活性,体外释放实验显示第1天释放量为926.7μ
记者:刚刚召开的中央经济工作会议明确提出,2005年要实行稳健的财政政策,意味着实施了近七年的积极财政政策向稳健的财政政策转型。您如何看待积极财政政策转型的必要性? 贾
目的:建立以切换波长的方法同时测定升麻中咖啡酸、升麻素苷、阿魏酸、异阿魏酸、升麻素5种成分含量的方法。方法:采用反相高效液相色谱法,Agilent Eclipse XDB-C18(4.6 mm×