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河北省秦皇岛市军分区2002年5月班子调整后,党委“一班人”把正风气、树形象作为加强全面建设的基础工程,紧紧抓住制度建设这个关键,在理论武装、工作实践中不断强化依法行政的观念,在攻坚破难、较真儿碰硬中积极解决遗留问题,在艰苦奋斗、严格自律中为群众做好榜样,在健全制度、强化监督中不断完善确保权力正确运行的有效机制,形成了用制度规范、按制度办事、靠制度管人的良好风气,推动了党风廉政建设不断进步,有力促进了军分区全面建设。总政治部纪检部和北京军区政治部、纪委先后转发了秦皇岛军分区党委“用制度规范权力运行,树立依法行政良好形象”的经验事迹。河北省军区党委于2006年5月24日作出决定,号召所属部队向秦皇岛军分区学习。秦皇岛军分区党委的经验事迹客观真实,思想性、针对性、操作性强,对各单位都有借鉴和指导意义。为认真落实总政治部《关于认真贯彻胡主席从严治官指示,进一步加强军队高中级干部教育管理的意见》,永葆其产党人先进性,履行历史使命,本刊将采写的长篇通讯《渤海雄关下的赞歌》推荐给读者。 After the group adjustment in May 2002 in Qinhuangdao Municipality’s military sub-district of Qinhuangdao in Hebei Province, the party committee and the “group of people” took the positive image and the tree image as the basic project for strengthening the comprehensive construction and firmly grasped the key point of system construction. In the theoretical armament and work In practice, we must constantly strengthen the concept of administering the country according to law. We must work actively to solve the remaining problems in resolving tough problems and tackling hard problems. We should set an example for the masses in arduous struggle and strict self-discipline, and constantly improve the system of power and supervision to ensure correct operation of power The effective mechanism has formed a good atmosphere of using system rules, acting according to systems, and stepping on systems to promote the continuous improvement of the party style and the establishment of a clean and honest administration and effectively promote the comprehensive construction of the military subregion. Discipline Inspection Department of the General Political Department and the Beijing Military Region Political Department and Commission for Discipline Inspection have successively forwarded the experience of the Party Committee of Qinhuangdao Military Area Division, “using the system to regulate power and establish a good image of administration according to law.” Hebei Military Region Party Committee on May 24, 2006 to make a decision, called for their own units to study Qinhuangdao Army Division. The experience of Qinhuangdao Military District Party Committee is objective and realistic, ideological, pertinent and easy to operate, and it has reference and guidance significance to all units. In order to conscientiously implement the Opinions of the General Political Department on Earnestly Implementing the Strict Guerrilla Rule of President Hu and Further Strengthening the Education and Management of Senior and Middle-Aged Cadres in the Armed Forces, Forever Keeping the Advanced Nature of the Party Members and Performing Historical Mission, the long newsletter “Bohai Sea under the hymn” recommended to the reader.
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