Breakdown of lawsonite subsequent to peak UHP metamorphism in the Dabie terrane and its implication

来源 :科学通报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyerhan
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Abundant occurrences of quartz vein withineclogites in the Dabie-Sulu orogen provide us an opportu-nity to study metamorphic fluid flow during subduction andexhumation of continental crust. It is, however, usuallyshort of petrological constraints on pressure and tempera-ture of vein formation. This study focuses on kyanite-quartz veins within low-T/high-P eclogite in the Dabie terrane that contain unique polycrystalline aggregates, interpreted as pseudomorphs after porphyroblasts of lawsonite. Coesite pseudomorphs were found for the first time in garnet from eclogite, resulting in a revised estimate of peak P-T condi-tions at 670℃ and 3.3 GPa for the eclogite. This indicates a stability field at graphite/diamond transition, thus upgrading the HP unit to a UHP unit. Neither foliation texture, undulose extinction of quartz nor coesite were observed in quartz veins, although the peak P-T conditions were estimated the same as that in host eclogite in light of thermodynamic calculation based on mineral assemblage in kyanite-quartz veins. Therefore, the formation of the kyanite-quartz veins as well as the breakdown of lawsonite into the kyanite-quartz-zoisite assemblage took place during exhumation subsequent to the peak UHP conditions. In this regard, the continental subduc-tion not only brought the water of water-bearing mineral such as lawsonite into the deep mantle, but also released the water from the mineral during exhumation.
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