
来源 :林业实用技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuleizishen
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侧柏根系发达,耐干旱瘠薄,适应能力强,是我国北方荒山绿化的主要栽植树种。加快侧柏育苗速度、提高苗木质量是苗圃增加效益的关键所在。笔者经过多年的实践,采用适时采种、及早播种的方法,加强圃地管理,不仅可以延长侧柏苗的生长期,还能有效的避免苗木立枯病的发生。1苗圃地的 Oriental arborvitae developed root system, drought-resistant infertility, adaptability, is China’s northern barren hills of the main planting tree species. Accelerate the speed of Platycladus orientalis nursery stock raising seedling quality is the key to increase efficiency. After many years of practice, the author adopts the method of timely seed collection and early sowing, and strengthens the management of nursery land. It not only can prolong the growth period of Platycladus orientalis seedling, but also can effectively prevent the emergence of seedling blight. 1 nursery
法国Guerbet药厂研制的Telebrix 30M在国外经历了 90 0 0万人次的临床应用 ,证明具有良好的安全性与显影效果。Tele brix为水溶性造影剂 ,作用与泛影葡胺相似 ,但其水溶性更大 ,粘度低 ,耐受性好 ,静
In practice, some bugs have more impact than others and thus deserve more immediate attention. Due to tight schedule and limited human resources, developers may
辽榛6号是以平榛(Corylushet-erophylla Fisch.)优良单株作母本,以欧洲榛(Corylus avellana L.)实生优良单株混合花粉作父本远缘杂交育成的榛子新品种。介绍了其植物学特征,
Cloud computing has been widely adopted by enterprises because of its on-demand and elastic resource usage paradigm. Currently most cloud applications are runni
目的 研究上颌窦骨质破坏的临床意义。方法 回顾 72例上颌窦骨质破坏病例 ,对照病理结果 ,利用统计学分析骨质破坏的意义。结果  47.2 2 % ( 34/ 72 )的骨质破坏出现于良
血友病性髂骨多发巨大骨囊肿样变罕见 ,我院发现 1例 ,现报告如下。患者 男 ,5 3岁 ,左髂骨反复疼痛 1年余 ,近 1周加重。查体 :左髋部肿胀 ,压痛 ,屈髋功能受限。X线骨盆平
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以2年生澳大利亚种源湿加松茎尖为试材,研究了不同消毒程序防控外植体污染的效果,得出最佳消毒程序为茎尖清水冲洗5 min,用含表面活化剂吐温-20的无菌水冲洗1 min,70%乙醇消