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五倍子,又名百虫仓、百药煎、棓子,为漆树科植物盐肤木、青麸杨或红麸杨叶上的干燥虫瘿,主要由五倍子蚜寄生而形成。五倍子多产于四川、贵州、云南、陕西、广西等地。秋季采集后,置沸水中略煮或蒸至表面呈灰色,杀死蚜虫,取出,干燥。五倍子性寒,味酸、涩,具有敛肺降火、涩肠止泻、敛汗止血、收湿敛疮等功效,主治肺虚久咳、久泻久痢、便血痔血、痈肿疮毒、皮肤湿烂等症。 Chinese nutgall, also known as one hundred insects warehouse, hundred herbs fried, razor clam, for the Rhododendron plants Yanmu wood, green bran or red bran leaf dry leaves, mainly by the gall peach aphids parasitic formation. Chinese gallnut prolific in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Guangxi and other places. After the autumn harvest, boiling water or steamed to the surface slightly gray, kill aphids, remove and dry. Gallnut cold, pickled, astringent, with lung fire, astringent intestinal diarrhea, convergence of sweat to stop bleeding, sore astringent and other effects, attending lung deficiency cough, long diarrhea Jiu Li, blood in the stool, carbuncle swollen sore Wet skin embolism.
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The principle of producing nanometer powders with the electrohydrodynamic technique and the apparatus were described. The effects of the geometry and size of th