廊坊市属北方冬麦生态区,小麦生产所用品种主要为冬性强弱不同的冬型和过渡型类型[1 ] 。新中国成立以来,全国范围内已至少经历了5次大的品种更新换代[2 ] 。为了适应廊坊市小麦生产新形势,在选育和使用河北省小麦品种的同时,特引进并试验观察了其它省、市的优良品种在廊坊的生
Langfang City is a northern winter wheat ecoregion, wheat varieties used mainly for the winter of different strengths and weaknesses of winter type and transitional type [1]. Since the founding of New China, at least five major varieties have been undergoing nationwide replacement [2]. In order to adapt to the new situation of wheat production in Langfang City, Hebei Province, in the selection and use of wheat varieties, especially the introduction and experimental observation of other provinces, municipalities of fine varieties in Langfang Health