
来源 :当代海军 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuwennengqqqqqq
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刚刚结束的伊拉克战争,海军打响了第一枪,潜艇和水面舰艇同时向伊拉克发射巡航导弹,从而拉开了向伊拉克开战的序幕。这再次证明,任何一场战争都离不开难以捕捉的深海幽灵——潜艇。不论怎样,当今世界各国都对潜艇的发展持积极态度和最大努力,下一场战争将依旧会是潜艇率先开战。那么,真有极大威慑力的潜艇究竟如何开战呢? 要知道这些,首先得清楚潜艇。那就让我们一起进神秘的潜艇世界,对潜艇来一个全方位的了解。(相关链接 P20、22、26、46) The just concluded war in Iraq, the Navy fired the first shot, submarines and surface ships fired cruise missiles at the same time to Iraq, thus opening the prelude to war on Iraq. This once again proves that any war can not be separated from the deep sea specter - submarine. In any case, all countries in the world today take a positive attitude toward and strive for the development of submarines. The next war will still be the first submarine war. So, how does a truly super-deterrent submarine war? To know this, we must first understand the submarine. Then let us into the mysterious world of submarines, a comprehensive understanding of the submarine. (Related links P20, 22, 26, 46)
Large spontaneous portal-systemic shunts have been occasionally described in patients with cirrhosis. This study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of port
食管静脉曲张破裂出血 (EVB)是肝硬化门脉高压症最常见的死亡原因。目前 ,血管活性药物仍是治疗EVB的重要方法。我院自 1995年以来垂体后叶素联用酚妥拉明治疗 32例 ,与善得定治疗EVB3
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2014年12月2日 晴  流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。  时光划破年华的脸庞,那深深的痕迹停留在时间的尾巴上,清晰可寻,不可磨灭。匆匆相见,匆匆离别,亦而匆匆相聚,又匆匆散场,留下的只是一片流连,一场回忆。  花  花开花落,年华也似水般流淌过青春岁月。  我喜欢老师谆谆的教导,人生的哲理或大或小,或深或浅,都由他们教授,让我们在如花的人生中展开无限的联想,用知识和美德装扮自己。我喜欢同
Over the last20years,the abductionand trafficking of women and children hasbecome a global issue.It is a social issue,too,that has a serious physical and mental
The authors report a nucleotide substitution (c.1216A>G) in SPG4 (spastin) causing hereditary spastic paraplegia. This apparent missense mutation in the ATPase