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近日,成都军区司令部在条件最为恶劣的秋冬季节,组织14名机关干部赴雪域边关,进行为期一个月的当兵锻炼。机关干部所去的西藏边防连队,海拔大多在4000米以上,在爬冰卧雪中体验戍边卫国的艰辛,在巡逻执勤中了解边防建设实情,在严寒缺氧中学习边防官兵的过硬作风和奉献精神,记者整理了部分干部撰写的当兵锻炼手记,原汁原味奉献给读者。[蹲点档案]卢海宾,成都军区司令部军训部参谋,先后10余次驾机飞进雪城高原.当兵地点:则里拉某边防分队,海拔4390米.夜宿詹娘舍10月27日,在则里拉当兵锻炼的第四天,分队接到上级命令,要抢在大雪封山前囤足一线哨所物资,将蔬菜送上詹娘舍哨所。我主动请缨前往。海拔4655米的詹娘舍,处在山脊上突出的鞍部,666步天梯通向一块弹丸之地,素有“云中哨所”之称。几年前,3名战士因雪崩牺牲,被成都军区授予“英勇顽强,团结互助”模范班。顶着狂风暴雪,在险象丛生的雪地 Recently, the Chengdu Military Region Command, in the worst conditions of the autumn and winter seasons, organized 14 cadres to go to the frontier in the snow area for a period of one month’s military exercises. The cadres of the Tibet Autonomous Region went to Tibet border company most of them above 4,000 meters above sea level to experience the hardships of defending the border areas while climbing ice and snow, understand the actual situation of border control during patrol duty, learn the superb style of border guards and officers in cold and anoxia Dedication, the reporter sorted out some of the cadres to write the soldiers exercise notes, original dedication to the reader. Lu Haibin, military command of the Chengdu Military Region Command staff, flew more than 10 times flew into the Syracuse Plateau .When the military location: a lira border squad, elevation 4390 meters. Overnight Zhaniangsha October 27, In the fourth day of the military exercises, the unit received a command from the higher authorities to grab the first-line posts in front of the snow-capped mountains and send the vegetables to Zhanniangniang’s post. I volunteered to visit. 4655 meters above sea level Zhanniangshe, prominent ridge in the saddle, 666 step ladder leading to a piece of projectile land, known as “cloud outpost ” said. A few years ago, three soldiers died of avalanches and were awarded the “bravery and tenaciousness, solidarity and mutual assistance” model class by the Chengdu Military Region. Against the storm of snowstorm, in the snow-covered fields
连队:南空高炮某旅一连传家宝:传承六十余年的荣誉奖状南空高炮某旅一连是一支有着辉煌战史的连队,曾参加过抗美援朝、国土防空等多次战役,特别是1 957年国土防空时期,连队随
本文应用数字集成电路的技术,对水库闸门的起闭进行遥控,以求达到安全、可靠,准确无误。 This article applies the technology of digital integrated circuit to remote c