Combustion Wave Propagation of a Modular Porous Burner with Annular Heat Recirculation

来源 :热科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XX200003
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A numerical investigation of the different arrangements of porous media in a combustor with annular heat recirculation is conducted.The effect of annular heat recirculation and porous block arrangement on the characteristics of combustion wave propagation is numerically studied.Results show that power input,heat capacity of porous matrix,arrangement of porous blocks,and annular heat recirculation are major factors that influence the propagation of combustion wave.The overall temperature of ceramic porous ber is higher than that of ceramic-metal type ber due to the lower heat storage capacity of the former,especially for the temperature downstream.The flame temperature is higher upstream and lower downstream with metal foams in the annulus than that without metal foams.The flame temperature of uniformity type ber is more uniform than that of gradually-varied and modular type bers.The flame front moves more slowly with metal foams in the annulus than that without metal foams due to the better preheating effect of metal foams.The flame position moves downstream,and the flame temperature gradually decreases and is eventually extinguished due to the low preheating temperature.
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