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目的探讨上腔静脉起源的心房颤动(房颤)的临床及电生理特点。方法回顾过去2年来我中心经电生理证实的起源于上腔静脉的房颤病例,分析其体表心电图及心腔内电生理特点。结果期间共16例患者(男/女=12例/4例,平均年龄53·4±10·6岁,阵发性/持续性房颤=11例/5例)经电生理证实房颤起源于上腔静脉,占同期接受导管消融病例的2·9%(16/545)。16例患者中,仅2例可以根据体表心电图诊断房颤为上腔静脉起源,此2例在上腔静脉隔离后房颤终止。另外14例体表心电图不典型者,先行左心房消融后,继续右心房标测过程中见上腔静脉驱动,隔离上腔静脉后房颤终止、不被诱发。隔离上腔静脉的平均放电次数6±2次,平均操作时间10±3min。上腔静脉-右心房之间肌束连接平均为3±1束。随访期间仅1例于术后3个月时出现心房扑动样发作。术后除1例出现右侧股静脉穿刺点血肿外,无其他并发症。结论上腔静脉可为肺静脉、左心房之外重要的房颤起源部位。对于心电图不典型者,完成左心房消融后如房颤不终止或易被诱发,则应考虑到上腔静脉起源的可能。 Objective To investigate the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of atrial fibrillation (AF) originating from the superior vena cava. Methods The cases of atrial fibrillation originated from superior vena cava confirmed by electrocardiography in the past two years were retrospectively analyzed, and their body surface electrocardiogram and intracardiac electrophysiological characteristics were analyzed. A total of 16 patients (12 males / 12 females, average age 53.4 ± 10.6 years, paroxysmal / persistent atrial fibrillation = 11/5) were confirmed by electrophysiological evidence of the origin of atrial fibrillation In the superior vena cava, accounting for the same period received catheter ablation cases of 2.9% (16/545). Of the 16 patients, only two of the 16 patients were diagnosed with atrial fibrillation originating from the superior vena cava on the basis of the body surface electrocardiogram, and these two patients terminated AF after isolation of the superior vena cava. Another 14 cases of atypical surface ECG, first left atrial ablation, continue to the right atrium in the process of measuring the superior vena cava found in the isolation of the superior vena cava after termination of atrial fibrillation, is not induced. The average discharge times of superior vena cava 6 ± 2 times, the average operating time 10 ± 3min. The superior bundle vena cava between the right atrium was 3 ± 1 bundle. During follow-up, only 1 patient developed atrial flutter at 3 months after surgery. There was no other complication except one case of hematoma on the right femoral vein after operation. Conclusions The superior vena cava can be the important origin of atrial fibrillation outside the pulmonary veins and the left atrium. For atypical cases of ECG, after completion of left atrial ablation, such as atrial fibrillation is not terminated or easily induced, you should consider the possibility of origin of the superior vena cava.
目的 探讨股浅静脉戴戒术在下肢深静脉功能不全治疗中的适应证、手术方法和疗效.方法 回顾性分析42例原发性下肢深静脉功能不全患者(45条肢体)的临床资料.结果 随访时间平均20个月,40条肢体小腿酸胀沉重感均消失或明显改善,6条肢体溃疡于2~8周内愈合,2条肢体湿疹样改变脱屑,皮肤变光滑,1例遗留有足踝部轻度凹陷性水肿.28例行股浅静脉彩超检查Valsalva试验见瓣膜返流0级或1级.结论 股浅静脉
目的 探讨脉压与老年高血压患者发生心脑血管事件的相关性.方法 以住院的老年高血压患者脉压≥60 mmHg为界,将94例患者分为脉压≥60 mmHg组及<60 mmHg组,观察两组患者心脑血管事件的发生率,并进行比较分析.结果 94例住院患者,其中患收缩期高血压72例(76.6%),脉压≥60 mmHg者100%;双期高血压22例(23.4%),脉压≥60 mmHg者8例(36.4%).对脉压≥60
患者,女性,30岁,因镜下血尿2年于2006年6月5日入院.查体无阳性体征.尿常规:隐血2+,蛋白-,红细胞58/μl,其中变形红细胞占45%.B超:左肾明显增大,形态失常,左肾上极见大小81 mm×66 mm×58 mm的囊状低回声区,形态规则,边界清,内见密集细小光点,彩色多谱勒(CDFI)示其内无血流信号,其下方肾盂,肾盂受压移位,左肾集合系统无分离。
目的研究鼻咽上皮细胞癌变过程中不同阶段的增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)及金属基质蛋白酶9(MMP- 9)表达活性。方法在鼻咽癌高发区,选择慢性鼻咽炎30例、鼻咽上皮细胞不典型增生或化
目的 探讨不同浓度白介素-8(IL-8)在自体脂肪颗粒移植成活中的作用.方法 在自体脂肪颗粒移植的实验动物模型中,应用不同浓度的IL-8(A组100 ng/ml、B组200 ng/ml、C组400 ng/ml、D组800 ng/ml)移植40 d后,分别采集移植的脂肪组织,对不同实验组和对照组移植物质量变化进行比较,并行HE染色观察移植组织病理学变化及免疫组织化学染色对组织中血管密度行定量研究,观