
来源 :中国男科学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songyong
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为了探讨碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (bFGF)对特发性少弱精子症患者的作用 ,本研究对 5 7例确诊为特发性少弱精子症的患者用bFGF治疗 ,分别在治疗前后进行血生殖激素测定和精液质量分析。结果发现治疗后血生殖激素 (PRL、FSH、LH、T)水平升高 ,精子密度及顶体酶活性显著提高 (P <0 .0 1) ,精子活动力和成活率上升、畸形率下降 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,生育能力提高。因此认为bFGF是治疗特发性少弱精子症的有效药物 In order to investigate the role of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in patients with idiopathic oligoasthenospermia, 57 patients with idiopathic oligoasthenospermia were treated with bFGF before and after treatment Blood reproductive hormones and semen quality analysis. The results showed that after treatment, the levels of PRL, FSH, LH and T increased, the sperm density and acrosin activity increased significantly (P <0.01), the sperm motility and survival rate increased, and the deformity rate decreased P <0. 05), fertility increased. Therefore, bFGF is considered an effective drug for the treatment of idiopathic oligoasthenospermia
不全结扎大鼠左肾静脉诱发左侧精索静脉曲张 ,观察精索静脉曲张对AQP7mRNA表达的影响以及睾丸结构和功能的变化。结果显示 :(1)与对照组相比 ,精索静脉曲张组大鼠左侧睾丸AQP
我科自 1980年来共收治男性绝育术后提睾肌痉挛 7例 ,其诊断标准为 :( 1)有输精管结扎史 ,术后有局部感染或有血肿史 ;( 2 )下腹部及腰部有隐痛 ;( 3)双侧睾丸收缩至阴茎根部
患者 ,男 ,4 5岁。因右侧斜疝行巴西氏法疝修补术 ,高位结扎疝囊以后 ,游离精索 ,加强后壁 ,再于精索前缝合腹外斜肌腱膜。术后右侧阴囊水肿 ,睾丸胀疼 ,经平卧休息 ,硫酸镁
Objective: In view of the extensive bone damage in rheumatoid arthritis, we used a commonly utilized animal model to detect behavioral changes in pain-related a