
来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhujiaqiao
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BACKGROUND:Brain tissue is often thought as the most vigorous organ and is very sensitive to hypoxia.Hyperbaric oxygenation means improving blood oxygen content for decreasing the brain harm caused by stroke.Anaerobic metabolism of brain tissue decreases and aerobic metabolism increases,which cause more power and accelerate clearing of acidic product of metabolism,so provide fine material base for regeneration of neural tissue and recovery of neural function.
INTRODUCTION rnPoems dyndrom is a kind of rarely seen clinical symptomes with multiple system impairment,including polyneuropathy, swelling of organs,endocrine
INTRODUCTION rnThe headache of common nature as well as headachic epilepsy and hemicrania pianheadache often affects the children.Hemicrania is the result of me
INTRODUCTION rnCerebrovascualr disease is common disease of senile nerve system, and is also main reason to epilepsy. Handicapping rate of cerebral stroke is hi
INTRODUCTION rnThe objective of resist coagulating treatment is prevent a spread of thrombus and new thrombus form, hasten a connect again of vein and in same i
INTRODUCTION rn856 cases of severe trachoma were treated from May 1984 by freezing combined with drugs,the effects were satisfying. rn
INTRODUCTION rnPeripheral nerve lesion resulting from drug toxicity is caused by drugs which interrupt some enzymes in process of nervous metabolism and lead to
INTRODUCTIONBecause nasopharynx is near to base of skull,radiation therapy might cause radiating brain injury that will influence patients life quality.
MATERIALS AND METHODS rnMaterials rn18 cases females in our group had mental symptoms to various degree before and after operation,with age ranging from 38 to 5
MATERIALS AND METHODS rnMaterials rn42 cases of female patients were client from hospital,with age ranging from 38 to 55 years(average 46 years).Disease course
INTRODUCTION rnBrain injury is a common trauma which sequela causes severe influence on patient.In recent ten years,there are many reports about study of rehabi