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一百年前赖德提出弥赛亚秘密是《马可福音》的神学主题。他认为耶稣的弥赛亚称号不是历史耶稣自己的宣称而是早期教会信仰的产物。赖德的观点赢得了很多支持,也遇到同样多的反对。由于该学说并不能解读所有的马可经文,一直以来,学者从各自的角度对之进行修订和辩驳。本文运用社会科学批判的方法考察《马可福音》的经文,分析耶稣运动的行动策略和话语策略。从马可经文来看,耶稣及其群体医病赶鬼、宣扬天国福音主要是在乡村地区,而且他们常常遣散跟随的群众,退到荒野或者外族人地区。本文分析认为,他们如此做是出于安全的考量,避免与政治、宗教当局发生直接冲突;出于同样的考虑,耶稣以比喻讲解天国能使自己人更加明白,而使外人更加不明白它的含义。鉴此,本文对弥赛亚秘密这一老课题做出新的解读,以示耶稣为什么既隐藏又揭示他的弥赛亚身份;同时也从一个新的角度回答“耶稣为什么用比喻进行教导”这一常问常新的问题。 One hundred years ago Ryder proposed Messianic secrecy as the theological theme of Mark. He believes that the title of Messiah of Jesus is not the product of the faith of the historical Jesus but the product of the faith of the early Church. Rider’s point of view won a lot of support, also encountered as much opposition. Since this doctrine can not interpret all Mark’s essays, scholars have always revised and rebutted them from their respective perspectives. This article examines the text of Mark’s Gospel using the critical approach of the social sciences and analyzes the strategies of action and discourse of Jesus’ movement. From the point of view of Mark’s writings, Jesus and his group cast out the hell to preach the gospel of heaven, mainly in rural areas, and they often dismissed the following people and retreated to wilderness or alien areas. The analysis of this paper argues that they do so out of safety considerations and avoid direct clashes with political and religious authorities; for the same reason Jesus uses the analogy to explain that Heaven can make one understand better and make one more unintelligible to outsiders meaning. In light of this, this article makes a new interpretation of the old subject of Messianic Secrets to show why Jesus hides and reveals his Messianic identity, and at the same time responds from a new perspective: “Why did Jesus teach with metaphors? ”This often asked frequently asked questions.
得东遨兄读拙著《听雨舟诗词》见赠  诗,即次原玉奉谢,时兄方遨游于  长江三峡  八载音尘断,千林望眼平。  可怜天下士,白发梦中生。  掷笔惊神女,浮槎谢圣明。  山川无嫉妒,许汝唱高声。  咏桃渚戚继光抗倭古城  一从浙水骋元勋,桃渚声名便不群。  海上长城凌浩渺,江南重镇萃人文。  铜墙尚挂诛倭剑,青史长传卫国军。  拧紧炎黄绳一股,何愁边壤起阴云。  次韵何永沂兄山西七夕诗《再会马斗  全
题外来工  早起星同路,迟归露洗尘。  春光无限好,不照异乡人。  谒洪洞大槐树  客梦三千里,归程六百年。  新槐无鹳影,怅立夕阳前。  秦淮河夜游  入水灯光乱,随风意绪长。  沿河花似锦,多是夜来香。  杜甫草堂  竹对柴门老,花邻溪水清。  鸣蝉千载下,依旧唱秋声。  上元日三晋大雪有寄  一掬乡关雪,情怀似少年。  种梅春有待,留梦月同园。  伞  收时刚直用时圆,骨瘦犹能撑四边。  且
ASTM B10活性和难熔金属和合金委员会举办的第18届核工业中锆应用国际研讨会现开始征文。该研讨会将于2016年5月15~18日在美国南卡罗来纳州威斯汀谢尔顿海德岛度假村举办。研