An interpretation of “East Meets West: An Infographic Portrait” from the perspective of semiology

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  【Abstract】An article released in 2013 on The Atlantic about a Chinese-born German artist’s insight into Chinese and Western cultural differences have thrust into the spotlight. It vividly displays a collocation of illustrations in a contrastive way, presenting a sharp dichotomy between Chinese and Western way of perceiving objects and lifestyle. While these pictures contain signs with metaphors which convey the cultural differences, the process bears close relation to the science of semiology. This paper aims to analyze signs used in pictures and images presented to demonstrate Chinese and Western differences from the perspective of semiology, according to Roland Barthes’ theory, while also provide reasonable interpretations to the process of conveying the information beyond pictures to readers in the light of semiology.
  【key words】semiology; signifier and signified; cultural difference; images and pictures
  I. Semiotic views of Roland Barthes
  In linguistics, Saussure first classified signs into tow parts. A sign is generally a compound of a signifier and a signified. Under this principle, Roland Barthes argues that signifiers build up the plane of expression and signifieds the plane of content. Semiotic signs go hand in hand with society as they derive from daily use, and they are used in a derivative way, to signify something. For instance, a stream of smoke (the signifier) might indicate a fire(the signified); a knock at the door(the signifier) indicates there must be someone outside the door(the signified). These can be concluded as semantization, a process that a physical form comes into expression.
  What’s more, Barthes enters deeper in the signification and enrich Saussure’s theory to a large extent. Based on the ERC theory from Hjelmslev, he proposed the secondary signification system. It is a tow-layer system, with a sign in the first system and them morphing into a signifier in the second layer. During this process, a sign is not a single composition of signifier and signified but is taken organically as a signifier in the second system where the signified meaning appearing from the social-cultural background. It’s called the signifying process of signs.
  II. The secondary stage of interpreting pictures
  The first picture includes images as follows: a man in his senility, a dog, and a child. They form the sign in the first system that denotes the picture an elderly in day-to-day life. Furthermore, the organic sign moves to the secondary system, which demonstrates the deeply rooted values set in Chinese and Westerners’ mind: an elderly left in solitude or accompanies by relatives. The seocnd one is interesting. It contains specific symbols ranging from profiles, food and beverage characterized by indigenous customs, and they set up the new signifier as a whole, namely the general perception. Finally in the secondary system, the signifier indicates the distinctions between the two nations’ perception of each other.   III. Conclusion
  In pictorial, or graphic images, creators prefer to choose angles from an individual side, and construct images according to their own taste. Consequently, when interpreting signs like this we cannot be stuck in the first layer, where simple images are merely the expression and content of the sign. To be aware of the secondary system, we need to employ the sign (which consists of signifier and signified) in the first system to the secondary system, which is the signification process. The latter step is an elevated status of signs with their denotations unfolded. It is in the secondary system that the implicitness approach nearer to the reality and make sense.
  It can be concluded that the signification is a process of semantization, because every language or semiotics unit is a semantic one. The unit cannot be separated from text, or any cultural background. Signifiers and signifieds are functioning with each other, and it is in this process that information is delivered and interpreted with accuracy.
  [1]Barthes,R.(1991)Mythologies[M].Trans.Annette Lavers.New York:The Noonday Press
  [2]Barthes,R.(1967)Elements of Semiology[M].Trans.Annette Lavers
【摘要】在我国军事改革的重要时期,了解西方军事知识对于开拓学生视野、促进军事文化交流尤为重要。因此,在军校开展军事英语教学活动,从长远来看,与军队人才培养目标相一致,符合我国军事变革的需求。  【关键词】ESP;军事英语教学  【作者简介】葛薇,空军工程大学基础部外国语言文学教研室。  大学英语教学以培养学生的综合文化素质和专业英语素养为目标,军事英语教学则需以任职能力为导向,侧重于学生岗位履职能
【摘要】中职英语听说课教学是整个中职英语教学环节中不可缺少的组成部分,由于受到传统教学模式的影響,中职英语听说课的现状不容乐观。本文通过理论和教材的分析,将主题式教学理念引入中职英语听说课教学,构建一个以主题式教学为中心的七个步骤的教学模式。  【关键词】主题式教学;中职英语;听说课;教学模式  【作者简介】蔡宣(1979-),汉族,福建尤溪人,福建省三明工贸学校,硕士研究生,讲师,研究方向:中职
【摘要】新时期的到来,社会发展对于外语人才的需求增加。目前,我国英语课堂教学中,互动式教学作为一种新的教学模式,受到广大教师和学生的欢迎。借助互动式教学的开展,调动学生课堂参与积极性和主动性,激發学生学习兴趣,培养学生合作探究能力和综合素质。新课程改革的深入,要求教学过程中坚持人本主义的教学理念,提高课堂教学的效率和质量。文章从人本主义视角,提出几点高中英语互动式教学策略。  【关键词】人本主义;
【摘要】任务学习关注通过问题解决让学生“在做中学”,而练习强调对学生进行机械的训练。本文通过任务界定的分析,区分了任务与练习两个概念。这种概念区分对于英语教学具有重大价值与意义。  【关键词】任务;练习;区别  【作者简介】董美芬,浙江省平阳县昆阳三中。  随着外语教学改革的不断深入,人们越来越感觉到传统的外语学习方法已不能适应新时代对人才的要求。新的学习理论也开始影响教学领域。情景学习、任务型学
【摘要】课程内容体系构建是应用型本科生高校英语教学改革的重要内容。科学合理的构建课程内容体系为课程教学活动的开展提供内容层面的保障,有助于促进课程教学质量的提升。本文中将在分析目前应用型本科生院校大学英语教学现状的基础上,围绕应用型本科生高校《大学英语》课程内容体系的构建策略提出具体的建议。  【关键词】应用型本科高校;大学英语;课程内容体系  【作者简介】卢良海(1970.09-),男,广西来宾
小学低段是培养学生良好英语学习习惯的重要期,大多数学校从三年级开始开设英语课,学生对英语课充满了好奇与期待。兴趣是最好的老师,好习惯是学好英语的基石,作为小学英语教师,应该从哪些方面、又如何对学生加以培养呢?  一、养成学生认真“听”的习惯  良好的英语学习习惯不是一朝一夕养成的,它是一个由简单到复杂逐渐累计形成的过程。小学低年级是英语启蒙教学阶段,根据低段学生年龄特点和新课标具体要求,我们可从小
【摘要】通过对近年来中考英语试卷的分析研究发现,词汇量的大小严重制约着中学生的听力和阅读理解能力。而中学生学习英语词汇的积极性不高以及了无兴趣又是造成词汇量贫乏的根本原因。那么在常规英语课堂教学中如何激发和培养学生学习词汇的兴趣就成为中学英语教师需要重视和亟待解决的一个大问题。  【关键词】词汇学习;兴趣;教学策略;记忆方法  【作者简介】贾启行(1985.11-),男,汉族,河北沧州人,浙江大学
【摘要】经济全球化对高职学生的英语应用能力提出了更高的要求。而目前高职专业英语教学理念相对滞后,教学内容陈旧,教学形式单一、刻板,导致教学质量远不能适应形势发展的需要。因此,高职英语教学模式改革势在必行,特别是专业英语课程重新定位迫在眉捷,这样才能充分满足学生的需求,使学生更加满足社会发展对人才的要求,为学生日后发展奠定良好基础。  【关键词】高职专业英语;课程定位;教学革新  【作者简介】马晓敏
【摘要】现代信息技术的发展使中职英语教学获得了更多的创新空间。本文以学业水平测试英语学科的相关要求为背景,聚焦信息化教学与实践性教学,探索二者相融合的有关问题。文中首先阐述了信息化教学与实践性教学相融合的必要性,其次列举了信息化教学与实践性教学相融合的方式,最后就有关注意事项进行论述。期望本文能够对中职英语教学起到一些具有价值的借鉴。  【关键词】学业水平测试;中职英语;信息化教学;实践性教学