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目的:验证阿奇霉素(希舒美)治疗成人呼吸道感染的疗效与安全性。方法:非对照、开放性研究。希舒美500mg每日一次,共3天。结果:31例轻中度呼吸道感染患者接受治疗,其中上呼吸道感染2例(急性咽喉炎和化脓性扁桃腺炎各1),余均为下呼吸道感染。体温≥38℃12例,白细胞总数≥10×10~9/L17例。结果:30例可供评价。痊愈73%,显效13%,总有效率86%。无慢性基础疾病的急性感染有效率96%,慢性气道疾病(慢支、哮喘、支扩)继发感染有效率50%。共12例分离到病原菌,9例属该药敏感菌范围,药敏测试敏感率89%,清除率77.8%。不良反应发生率13%,表现为恶心(1例),腹泻(2例)。3例较轻,不影响继续治疗。1例腹泻较重,退组。结论:阿奇霉素治疗轻中度呼吸道感染十分有效,特别是无慢性基础疾病的急性呼吸道感染,服药次数少,疗程短,临床应用极其方便。不良反应主要为消化道反应,一般比较轻微,不影响继续用药。 阿奇霉素是新一代大环内酯类抗生素中的重要药物,与老一代大环内酯类抗生素红霉素比较,其药代动力学特性显著改善,吞噬细胞内浓度很高、抗菌谱扩展,覆盖了社区获得性呼吸道感染的大多数病原体,因而在呼吸道感染的治疗中占有重要地位。为了验证辉瑞制药有限公司生产的阿奇霉素(希舒美)治疗成人呼吸道感染的疗效与安全性, Objective: To verify the efficacy and safety of azithromycin (Xishuomi) in the treatment of adult respiratory infection. Methods: Uncontrolled, open-label study. Shishimei 500mg once daily for 3 days. Results: Thirty-one patients with mild to moderate respiratory tract infection were treated, including 2 cases of upper respiratory tract infection (1 for acute pharyngitis and purulent tonsillitis), and the rest were all lower respiratory tract infections. Twelve cases were ≥38 ℃, and the total number of leukocytes was ≥10 × 10 ~ 9 / L. Results: 30 cases can be evaluated. 73% cured, markedly effective 13%, the total effective rate of 86%. Acute infection without chronic underlying disease is effective at 96%, and chronic airway disease (chronic bronchitis, asthma, bronchiectasis) is 50% effective in secondary infection. A total of 12 cases of pathogenic bacteria isolated, 9 cases belong to the scope of the drug susceptibility, susceptibility testing sensitivity of 89%, the clearance rate of 77.8%. The incidence of adverse reactions was 13%, manifested as nausea (1 case), diarrhea (2 cases). 3 cases lighter, does not affect the continued treatment. 1 case of severe diarrhea, retreat group. Conclusion: Azithromycin is very effective in the treatment of mild to moderate respiratory infections, especially acute respiratory infections without chronic underlying diseases. It has less medication and short course of treatment, and is extremely convenient for clinical application. Adverse reactions mainly gastrointestinal reactions, generally relatively mild, does not affect the continued medication. Azithromycin is a new generation of macrolide antibiotics in the important drug, compared with the older generation of macrolide antibiotic erythromycin, its pharmacokinetic properties significantly improved, the phagocyte concentration is high, antibacterial spectrum expansion, covering Most of the community-acquired respiratory infections of pathogens, and thus the treatment of respiratory tract infection plays an important role. In order to verify the efficacy and safety of azithromycin (Xishuomi) produced by Pfizer Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in the treatment of adult respiratory infections,
孩子从学校回来,常常要我们家长指导他(她)朗读,怎样指导孩子为好呢?几位家长谈了自己的经验与教训,我把它笔录于后,可利于家长借鉴。 Children come back from school, of
【摘要】 近年来在高考中三角函数的比例越来越大,学生在学习过程中如何能在较短的时间内完成相关学习内容,是摆在我们数学老师面前的一个必须解决的问题,本文以近年高考试题为例对这些相关内容作了剖析。  【关键词】 三角函数 性质 综合考察  【中图分类号】 G622 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1006-5962(2013)01(a)-0183-01  近三年,全國新课标卷中,三角函数和数列交替考
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