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排水采气井 ,特别是油管产水、套管产气的工艺井 (如机抽、电潜泵 ) ,由于井下设备通常占据了油管通道 ,难以用压力计直接测取井底压力 ,而常规获取井底压力的方法大多采用回声仪探测法。在生产过程中 ,由于气体不断进入油套环空 ,环空中可能出现泡沫 ,失去明显的气液界面 ,此时 ,采用回声仪测探法确定气液界面进而推算井底压力遇到了很大的困难 ,因为不可能获取确切的气液界面深度。为了较为准确和方便地获得井底压力 ,首次把物质平衡法引入排水采气的环空测试中。文中对排水采气井油套环空物质平衡测压方法进行理论探讨 ,推导各种条件下拟液面长度的解析解 ,为测试计算井底压力作好理论准备。 Drainage gas wells, in particular, the production of tubing and casing gas production technology wells (such as machine pumping, ESP), because the underground equipment usually occupy the tubing passage, it is difficult to directly measure the pressure gauge bottomhole pressure, and conventional access Bottomhole pressure methods are mostly used echo detection method. In the production process, due to the continuous gas into the oil annulus, the ring may appear in the foam, loss of obvious gas-liquid interface, this time, the use of echo sounding method to determine the gas-liquid interface and then calculate the bottom hole encountered a great pressure Difficult because it is impossible to get the exact depth of the gas-liquid interface. In order to obtain the pressure at the bottom of the well more accurately and conveniently, the material balance method is first introduced into the annulus test of drainage gas recovery. In this paper, the equilibrium pressure measurement method of annulus of oil and gas well of drainage and gas well is theoretically discussed, and the analytic solution of the quasi-liquid surface length under various conditions is deduced to make theoretical preparation for the test and calculation of bottom hole pressure.
我院于 1994年 1月— 1999年 12月收治小儿氟乙酰胺中毒 3 3例 ,全部病例伍用纳洛酮抢救 ,收到满意效果 ,报告如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料 男 15例 ,女 18例 ;年龄≤ 3
哺乳类动物耳蜗内毛细胞的工作频率高低与基底膜移位起反应或与其速度起反应,或与两者都有关 The frequency of working hair cells within the mammalian cochlear hair r