总结经验 再创辉煌——祝贺中国农业机械学会成立40周年

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中国农业机械学会自 1 963年成立以来 ,已 40年了。40年来 ,学会组织、领导广大会员爱国敬业、甘于奉献 ,为发展我国农业机械化事业立下了汗马功劳。祝愿学会“百尺竿头 ,更上一层楼”,总结经验 ,勇于创新 ,在全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义新局面的伟大奋斗中 ,谱写 China Agricultural Machinery Society since its establishment in 1963, 40 years. Over the past 40 years, we have learned to organize and lead the vast majority of our members to patriotism, dedication and devotion, which has made a lot of contribution to the development of China’s agricultural mechanization. I wish to learn how to make every success and improvement and summarize our experiences and bravely innovate. In the great struggle to build a well-off society in an all-round way and create a new situation of socialism with Chinese characteristics,
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