尼康公司宣布尼康产品荣获“2017 iF产品设计大奖”。“iF产品设计大奖”由德国汉诺威工业设计协会(International Forum Design GmbH)于1953年创立。奖项包含产品设计奖、传达设计奖、包装设计奖等多个大奖。今年,协会专家从来自全世界59个国家的5575件参赛作品中进行了评选。
Nikon Corporation Announces Nikon Products Wins “2017 iF Product Design Award”. “iF Product Design Award ” was founded in 1953 by the International Forum Design GmbH in Hannover, Germany. Awards include product design award, communication design award, packaging design award and many other awards. This year, the Association’s experts were selected from 5,575 entries from 59 countries around the world.