
来源 :福建林学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch005
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最近发现的顺昌县高阳乡虎头山杉木丰产林,是一片与闻名国内外的南平溪后安曹下杉木丰产林相媲美的高产林分。该林分所处的地理位置及气候、土壤、植被、地形等都是杉木最适区的代表。林分单位蓄积量之高为国内外罕见,其中有许多优良种质资源,是选种、育种的好材料,是研究杉木立地类型和群落演替、探讨杉木丰产原因、林分结构、生长规律等的好场所。 The recently discovered high-yield Hutou fir plantation in Gaoyang Township, Shunchang County is a high-yield stand commensurate with the well-known high-yielding forest of the Ancao-Caoshang fir plantation at home and abroad. The geographical location and climate of the forest, soil, vegetation, topography, etc. are the most suitable area for the representation of Chinese fir. The high stock volume of forest stand is rare at home and abroad, among which there are many excellent germplasm resources, which is a good material for seed selection and breeding. The purpose is to study the site types and community succession of Chinese fir, and to explore the reasons for the high yield of Chinese fir, the stand structure and the growth pattern A good place to wait.
(四)林地土壤对降雨的调蓄能力林地土壤对降雨的调蓄能力,主要表现在对降雨的动态调蓄能力(渗透能力)和静态调蓄能力(贮水能力)两个方面。 1、土壤的渗透能力土壤的渗透能力
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远东大道迎宾立交工程自行车、人行天桥设计为钢筋混凝土连续箱梁结构 ,箱梁为单箱单室 ,梁宽 5m、高1 6m ,桥梁总长 131 88m。人行天桥施工期间需保证远东大道通车 ,为此需架设
High intraglomerular pressure is associated with renal hyperf iltration, leading to the initiation and progression of kidney disease in experimental models of d
这个夏天,遇见市南,于是为她停留。看她的美景,享她的生活,吹风晒日,游走着,静静地收集起一片片柔软时光。市南,最难忘的,旅行。 This summer, met Shonan, so stay for her