
来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Susan616
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  Following the further deepening and development of the global economic integration and globalization, convergence of financial reporting becomes the focus of attention across countries. Especially, in those large developing or transition economies who want to attract more international investors to maintain the growth of economy. Based on the purpose of improving the quality and comparability of financial statement, convergence of financial reporting implies to adopt one set of accounting standards throughout the world (Patel, 2010, pp.331), for instance, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). As for the advantages and disadvantages of convergence, the opinions diverge from individual to individual. However, this essay selects Russia as the subject to analyze that the advantages from convergence are greater than the disadvantages.
  In traditional perspective, Russia was one of the major European powers in the Czarist era whose economy was developing along with the Western model. However, history made this country to choose a totally different way to develop itself. The Soviet Union and the Western World had been ideological opposites since the October Revolution, which also influenced the economic system. The centrally planned economics not only provided a platform for the high-speed development of economy in 1920s but also shifted the economic structure far away from the market oriented model.
  Even through Russia had self-contained planned accounting model in Soviet system, Kim (2013, p.527) thought that the real modern era of Russia began in 1991, from then on, the centrally planned economics was transferred to market oriented model under the pressure of dissolution of the Soviet Union. The fall of Berlin wall is a sign of end of the Soviet Union, which also provides an opportunity to those formerly closed society to open to the world again (McGee, 2008, p.141). The process of transforming the planned system to the market-oriented system is bound to be painful to Russia. The overall institutional environment in Russia is characterized by low investors protection, poor corporate governance, high levels of corruption, low levels of enforcement (Pistor
【摘 要】我国正处于社会转型时期,价值取向日益多元化。面对多元价值观的冲击,高校学生在道德认知、道德意志和道德行为等方面出现前所未有的张力和冲突,给高校德育工作带来新的挑战。本文分析了多元价值观对高校学生及高校德育工作的潜在影响,从主体性教育、生活德育等方面探索创新高校德育工作的实现路径。  【关键词】价值观 德育 主体性  育人为本,德育为先。高校学生正处于人生观、世界观的形成阶段,具备
2013年9月,内蒙古包钢钢联股份有限公司(简称包钢股份)在Φ180 mm MPM连轧管机组上成功生产并交付用户Φ219.1 mm×10 mm规格、P1钢级高温用铁素体合金钢无缝钢管826.29 t。
【摘 要】创新是一个国家乃至世界发展、前进的基石。没有创新创新的民族就没有希望。我们目前的教学只注重知识的传授,在很大程度上忽视了学生创新能力的培养,这与我们的最终目标是相悖的。本文从培养学生的创新思想、兴趣、感受、设计问题等几个方面对创新问题做了初步探索,意在引起各位同仁的思考,该如何应对我们所面临的难题。  【关键词】兴趣 感受 多角度  前不久,看到一段视频:有人发明了可以裁玻璃的水
国网山东茌平县供电公司坚持以企业文化“五统一”为统领,以“1+1亲情服务 N+N扮靓枣乡”为主线,创新文化融入式管理,创立强水准、提质效、树标杆的三个“1+1”,植入文化引领
【摘 要】现在很多形式的比赛都要进行说课这一环节的比赛,本文根据多次参加比赛经验写了一节课的说课教案,希望能够为同仁的各种比赛提供借鉴。  【关键词】细胞膜的结构;细胞膜功能;合作探究;小组合作  我今天说课的内容是人教版必修一第三章第一节细胞膜的结构和功能。高中生物必修课本一共三册书,必修一分子与细胞是其中的基础,而必修一中细胞的结构和功能为基础中的基础,前面学习了构成生物体的物质基础:元素和化