Listening barrier and the strategies to overcome it

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  【摘 要】在中国从小学到研究生阶段对于英语语言学习者来讲听、说、读、写四项学习技能中听力这项技能被忽视的最明显,好多学生见词知意,但是听词不知意。到底是什么导致了这样的结果?本文笔者将对听力障碍进行研究并提出可行的策略进而改善听力能力。笔者对此想对提出自己的看法。
  【Abstract】In China, English language learners from elementary school to postgraduate level make light account of listening among the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Nearly all of the students can recognize the meaning of a word when they glance it,but few of them can reflect the meaning of a word when they listen to it. What on earth is the cause of the results? In this paper, the author will study the listening obstacles and put forward feasible strategies to improve the listening ability. The author wants to put forward some ideas about it.
  【Key Words】listening barrier; listening comprehension; listening strategies
  Over the past decades, many scholars have been aware of the barriers of listening acquirement to the second language learners. Hedge(2000)points out that listening is often neglected in language teaching. A language learner is in no circumstance a successful learner if he or she fails to grasp listening skills. In this paper, Various barriers of listening will be illustrated in this paper, such as language factors, psychological factors, cultural background and individual attitude .This paper mainly display the various barriers and the strategies to overcome the listening barrier.
  2.The Aspects of Influencing Listening Barrier
  1)language factors
  First,Vocabulary is the building materials of language. “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”, linguist D.A.Wilkins once said. We can even say that vocabulary to language is flesh to human body. Second, phonetic barrier,Some language learners couldn’t have a good command of phoneme, which affects their accurate pronunciation. The habit problem is the big one, some Chinese language learners always put some Chinese characters beside the new words or mark PINYIN next to the new word when they come across new words. For example, Du Jiayi, from a middle school marks“彎的”beside the word ‘wonder’ when firstly learning ‘wonder’. In addition, identify liaison, intonation and incomplete plosion. Consonant+Vowel: E.g. think about put in
  Vowel+Vowel:E.g. He is .Incomplete plosion. Plosive+ Plosive E.g.Backpack. Grammar is one the most important parts in English learning. The structure between Chinese and English is different, so language learners need to translate the sentences according to the sequence of English. Only when language learners grasp the grammar can listening materials be understood.   2)Psychological factors and culture and background of western countries
  First, Listening comprehension is a complex psychological process. The emotional factors and listening comprehension link closely. When people are feeling anxious or have negative attitude, the ability of understanding the content of the original listening materials will be greatly reduced. Second, cultural differences can easily lead to obstacles to listening comprehension.
  3.The strategies to overcome listening barrier
  First, strengthen the basic skills of language. Enhance the strategy of vocabulary, which penetrates the whole process of language learning. Guessing the meaning of words or phrases via finding the familiar etyma from the context is also a new idea, especially when a word is put the suffix or prefix. Second, grasp the structure of grammar smoothly If the structure of grammar we heard is wrong, then how can we understand what the speaker say and it obviously influence the result of listening. Third, reinforce the excise of phonetics. We need to focus on a sound. When teaching pronunciation, we are bound to focus on individual sounds. Using perception practice is also important. When listeners listen to the change of intonation, they need to recognize the speakers’ mood or feeling. Only via taking effective strategies of practicing phonetics can we make stride progress. Finally, acquire more cultural knowledge. learners should broaden their cultural background knowledge.
  This paper mainly contains the listening barriers, and the various kind of strategies we second language learners need to pay attention. We should combine listening to other English skills. Students should get over scared psychological factors and set up self-confidence. Meanwhile, they should enrich their vocabularies and western cultural knowledge. We should apply those strategies to real listening teaching in order that language learners can realize communicative competence.
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  [2]Chao,J. Y. G.The influence of strategy use on comprehension and recall of authentic English listening texts by Chinese EFL students in Taiwan.1996
  [3]Hasan,A. S.Learners‘ perceptions of listening comprehension problems. Language Culture and Curriculum.2000
【摘 要】近年来,军事训练作为教学活动有着不可替代的地位和作用,同时也存在一定的问题,本人结合实际提出相应的解决对策。  【关键词】军事训练;问题;对策  军事训练作为派出所官兵学习掌握军事理论、技能,提高边防执勤、处突本领的有目的、有计划、有组织的教学活动,在加强部队建设、提高官兵素质中有着不可替代的地位和作用。特别是近年来开展的实战应用技术训练,使基层部队实现了从基础课目训练到模拟实战训练的转
【摘 要】在高等职业技术学校实行产教融合、校企合作的教学模式,可以推动我国职业学校的教学方式的改革,提高学校培养专业化人才的培养能力。大力推动高等职业学校的产教深度融合,构建现代化的产教融合教学体系,顺应了我国教育改革现代化的发展要求,符合时代的发展潮流,运用产学融合教学模式可以更好的培养出技能专业性的专业化人才。本文从以下几个方面分析了高等职业教育的产教融合的模式,以及其在教学中的具体实践,为广
【摘 要】大学生饮食结构与其身体健康息息相关,如今社会大学生身体亚健康、饮食不健康以及肥胖超重、睡眠质量不好等问题得到了越来越多的重视,许多学者都在关注这些方面的问题,而这些问题无不与大学生的饮食结构有着密不可分的关系。本次调查目的在于了解大学生饮食结构,找出大学生饮食结构中存在的问题,找出影响大学生饮食结构的因素。从而针对大学生饮食结构的问题提出相应的改善建议,也为国家相关部门实施健康教育提供依
【摘 要】最新颁布的《英语课程标准》提倡让英语教学摆脱传统的教育观念,英语教学在激励学生主动参与、自主探究的基础上以学生为主教师为辅;改变以往英语知识技能严重脱离实际的现状,让教学内容与学生生活紧密联系。  【关键词】有效教学;高效;自主探究学习;优化教学模式  所谓“高中英语有效教学模式”,主要是指通过教师在一段时间的活动之后,使学生能够获得具体的进步或发展。有效教学是在学生“想学”的心理基础上
【摘 要】2007年国家教育部公布的《大学英语课程教学要求》指出大学英语学习者在修完大学英语课程后在英语阅读方面要具备以下能力:能读懂一定的英文文章,具有一定的阅读速度;能借助词典阅读本专业的英语教材和题材熟悉的英文媒体文章,能阅读所学专业的文献资料,掌握中心大意,理解主要事实和有关细节;能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料;能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。国家针对大学英语课程学习目标设计并举行大
【摘 要】高中生心理发育趋向成熟,德育教育工作的开展有利于高中生树立正确的人生观、价值观以及世界观,本文将深入剖析高中班主任在德育教育工作中扮演的重要角色以及开展德育教育工作面临的问题,并提出相应的解决措施。  【关键词】高中班主任;德育教育  德育教育是素质教育的重要组成部分,加强对高中生的德育教育有利于高中生树立正确的人生观、价值观、社会观,良好的德育教育会对高中生未来的发展道路产生积极的影响
【摘 要】国防教育是国防建设的关键,国防教育方法则是关键中的关键。当前,世界各国都十分重视加强国防建设、发展国防教育;积极探索国防教育方法的创新,增强自己的国防实力。就关于新形势下国内外国防教育方法创新的相关研究,试图找出适合我国国防教育发展,增强我国国防实力的国防教育方法。  【关键词】国防教育;方法创新;国防梦  国防教育方法,是国防教育的法则和程序。科学的国防教育方法,有利于提高国防教育及国
【摘 要】本文在研究中以高校德育工作为核心,分析高校辅导员在德育工作中扮演的角,站在辅导员的角度上,提出提高高校德育工作质量的有效途径,促进学生全面发展,进而为相关研究人员提供一定的借鉴和帮助。  【关键词】高校;辅导员;德育工作;途径  德育工作作为高校教育的重要内容,可以帮助学生树立正确的人生观、价值观以及世界观,使得学生实现德智体美全方面的发展,对学生个体成长和成才具有非常重要的意义和作用。
【摘 要】近年来,高中心理健康教育问题逐渐受到了社会、家庭、学校等各方的关注,但在目前高中心理健康教育取得一定成效的基础上,仍然面临着有效性高中心理健康教育困境。所以,为了打造良好的心理健康教育环境,必须从实际角度出发,对心理健康教育课程进行逐步革新,最终以多角度、多层面的教育形式,让高中生心理健康问题得到有效解决。本文,首先阐述了高中心理健康教育的主要内容。然后,分析了提升高中心理健康教育有效性
【摘 要】随着社会经济与信息化的日益进步,传统的手工会计社会适应性锐减。为了满足社会对电脑型会计人员的需要,会计电算化专业在众多高职校相继开设。由于这一专业在很多高职院校属于新设专业,发展时间不长,因此,教学方法和师资队伍等方面还有有待更深层次的优化和提高,如何进行会计电算化教学,为企业培养优质的财会人员,是当前高职校相关教学工作者应当研究的重要课题。本文笔者根据自己从教的多年相关经验,对此门课程