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战后的日本一直存在否定历史、否定《开罗宣言》精神的思想。近年来,其国内右翼势力更是动作频频,不断公开挑战《开罗宣言》的法律地位。安倍晋三政府上台以来,也公然纵容极端民族主义势力抬头,不仅继续否定历史,还试图通过修宪等方式竭力摆脱《开罗宣言》的束缚,突破战后国际秩序。因此,《开罗宣言》在日本各界遭受刻意冷落,甚至狡辩《开罗宣言》无非就是三个国家领导人的一个宣言,不能等同于国际法。还有日本右翼学者一再声称,日本并未在《开罗宣言》上签字,不具备法律效力。对此,在纪念《开罗宣言》发表70周年之际,海内外部分专家学者再次从 Post-war Japan has always had the idea of ​​negating the spirit of the “Cairo Declaration.” In recent years, its domestic right-wing forces have been making frequent moves and continuously openly challenging the legal status of the Cairo Declaration. Since taking office, Abe administration has openly connived at the rise of the forces of ultra-nationalism. It not only continues to deny history but also attempts to get rid of the shackles of the “Declaration of Cairo” and break through the post-war international order by amending the constitution. Therefore, the “Cairo Declaration” has been deliberately ignored in all walks of life in Japan. Even the quibble “Cairo Declaration” is nothing more than a declaration of the leaders of the three countries and can not be equated with international law. There are also Japanese right-wing scholars who repeatedly claim that Japan did not sign the Cairo Declaration and did not have the force of law. To this end, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the publication of the Cairo Declaration, some experts and scholars from home and abroad once again
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