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沉船呆在海底难以打捞,重见天日之后还会遭受物品被盗的风险,于是,一位科学家另辟蹊径,让它们呆在水下,并把它们改装成藏有历史文物的神秘博物馆。关注沉船如果海底有一艘极具考古价值的沉船,你的第一反应肯定是先把它捞上来,然后送进博物馆展览。但是,有一位科学家却另辟蹊径,把博物馆带进水下的沉船中。这位科学家就是查理·贝克尔。查理·贝克尔(CharletBeeker)是美国印第安纳大学水下科学项目的负责人,他的水下考 Shipwrecks are hard to retrieve on the seabed and risk being stolen after they see the sun again, so a scientist looks elsewhere to stay underwater and transform them into mysterious museums with historical artifacts. Pay attention to the sunken ship If there is an archaeological wreck on the seabed, your first reaction must be to catch it first and then send it to the museum exhibition. However, one scientist has taken the other path to bring the museum into a sunken wreck. The scientist is Charlie Becker. Charlebecker (Charlebeeker) is the United States Indiana University underwater science project leader, his underwater test
原性性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)是常见的出血性疾病之一,笔者自1978年起采用中西药结合治疗19例,收到了此较好的效果,现将报道如下。 1 临床资料 Primary thrombocytopenic p