
来源 :时代教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zilong2006min
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21世纪的今天,创造知识和使用知识的能力已成为一个国家国际竞争力的核心表观。综合国力的竞争,归根结底就是科技的竞争。而一个国家科技实力的增强,离不开教育的振兴和发展,离不开一个国家对整个民族科学素养的提高,离不开一个国家培养一批具有高科学素养、高创新能力的科技人才。一、抓好科技教育的意义科技教育是对中小学生进行科学基础知识、基本技能和科学思想的教育。青少年科技教育不仅让他们懂得科学知识,还要帮助他们掌握科学思想运用科学方法去处理学习、生活、工作中的问题,不断提高自身素质,迅速成长为建设强大祖国的合格接班人。在科技实践活动中,学生需要查阅大量的资料进行设计、制作和实 Today, in the 21st century, the ability to create and use knowledge has become the core of a country’s international competitiveness. In the final analysis, the competition in comprehensive national strength is the competition in science and technology. The enhancement of the scientific and technological strength of a country can not be separated from the revitalization and development of education. It can not be separated from the improvement of the scientific ethics of the whole nation by a country. It can not be achieved without a single country cultivating a batch of science and technology personnel with high-level scientific accomplishments and high innovative capabilities. First, grasp the significance of science and technology education Science and technology education is the basic knowledge of science, basic skills and scientific thinking of education. Adolescent science and technology education not only enables them to understand scientific knowledge, but also helps them master the scientific thinking to apply scientific methods to deal with problems in study, life and work, continuously improve their own qualities and rapidly grow into eligible successors for building a strong motherland. In science and technology practice, students need to consult a large amount of information to design, produce and practice
随着人民生活水平的提高,市面上的饮料品种繁多,家家户户的饮料瓶数量充足,大到纯净水桶,小到牛奶瓶易拉罐,洗净了制作成玩具,既安全又卫生还环保节能。玩法一:梅花桩 With
案件:Hyman Genome Sciences V.Eku Lilly案号:[2011]UKSC 51本案一波三折,涉及的是Human Gernome Sciernces公司的一项关於Neutrokine-α蛋白的基因序列编码技术的发明专利
一、新型师生关系是学生主体意识培养的前提    构建新型师生关系关键在于教师要树立现代教育观念和人才观念,调整自己的心态。新型师生关系应当是平等、宽容、和谐、互动的关系,平等是师生交往的基础,是心灵沟通的前提。允许学生和教师争论,允许学生提出质疑,对于学生的挑战,教师应及时给于肯定或鼓励;允许学生张扬个性、大胆表现,教师可以求同存异,适度的宽容使师生关系更贴近。新型的师生关系,需要教师对其工作具有
通过正交实验,研究了影响混凝土粘结复合材料性能的主要因素,获得了制备该复合材料的最佳参数。 Through orthogonal experiments, the main factors influencing the perform